Why do parents, teachers, politicians, managers and salespeople continue bad practices? Four reasons and the ways we express them are: We do what was done to us and assume it was best practice. “Look at me, I turned out OK didn’t I?” We lack the depth and breadth of relevant education to recognize bad practices….Continue Reading How Sales Management in Pro Sports Can Catch Up to Corporate America
Do you have your P’s in order?

by Kirk Wakefield – January 2018 People. Purpose. Performance. (Pictures.) S3 2018 Board Meeting Paul Epstein challenged the room of executives, managers and students to truly put people first. With over a decade of managerial experience in pro sports, most recently as Director of Sales at the San Francisco 49ers, Paul shared how their sales organization…Continue Reading Do you have your P’s in order?
Making CRM training tolerable: The 10 Commandments

by Chris Zeppenfeld – May 2015 One of my favorite sales reps said this to me coming out of a CRM training session a few years ago. I think it’s the best analogy I’ve ever heard about CRM training. “Going to CRM training is like going to the dentist….no one really looks forward to going,…Continue Reading Making CRM training tolerable: The 10 Commandments
5 Tips For Managing in a Social Selling Environment

by Justin Gurney – April 2015 Does this sound familiar? “Great job Brandon! You made 150 calls today, those will be sure to turn into sales, so keep it up.” “Ryan, wow you set 10 appointments this week leading the way.” “Mark, you were on the phone for 200 minutes today, way to dig in…Continue Reading 5 Tips For Managing in a Social Selling Environment
Using In-Depth Metrics to Improve Sales Rep Performance

by Drew Ribarchak – December 2014 Every sales manager wants the team to sell more full season plans, lower level seats and premium inventory. In-depth metrics allows you to reinforce and hold reps accountable to the goals and objectives your department wishes to achieve instead of saying the basic anecdote of “sell more X.” The…Continue Reading Using In-Depth Metrics to Improve Sales Rep Performance
The surprisingly simple little secret to landing a leadership position

by Kirk Madsen – October 2014 What is leadership? For everything written about leadership and management (an Amazon.com search yields over 1 million books on the topic!), we sure seem to have a lot of questions about what it is and how to do it. One of the questions people in leadership positions get asked…Continue Reading The surprisingly simple little secret to landing a leadership position
Three things I’ve learned in starting a new collegiate ticket sales center

by Chase Jolesch – August 2014 In the last five years, colleges have started outbound ticket sales centers modeled after professional sports. After spending nearly three and a half years working with the San Francisco 49ers and Legends Premium Sales, I received the opportunity to go back to my alma mater and start an outbound…Continue Reading Three things I’ve learned in starting a new collegiate ticket sales center
Sales Management: Why Process Trumps Talent

by Flavil Hampsten – June 2014 Which matters more: Process or Talent? That’s an easy one. Process always trumps talent. Before you get upset and start defending how talented your staff is and that you couldn’t generate the numbers that you do without them, imagine how much more productive they would be if you gave…Continue Reading Sales Management: Why Process Trumps Talent
Got a Question? A New Idea? Ask the Sports Sponsorship & Sales (S3) Forum!

by Kirk Wakefield – May 2014 Post questions to the community This month we introduce the Sports Sponsorship & Sales (S3) forum where you can post questions to others in the community. We encourage you to ask others what works for them in the area of ticket sales, sponsorship sales & activation, sponsorship metrics, sales analytics,…Continue Reading Got a Question? A New Idea? Ask the Sports Sponsorship & Sales (S3) Forum!
The Six D’s of Destruction: How to Recognize and Avoid Sales Burnout

by Kris Katseanes – May 2014 What happened to all the excitement? We all seek to hire highly competent, highly energized, hard-working individuals who invest everything they have in the effort of growing a career in sports. We strive to find individuals who have excelled in life, and are eager to translate that pattern of…Continue Reading The Six D’s of Destruction: How to Recognize and Avoid Sales Burnout