Tag: CRM training

Illustrated CRM: How CRM Process Helps the Sales Process

by Alex Karp – September 2015 Three things will make CRM a great tool for your organization: consistency, ease of use, and documentation of activity. All of these are essential, particularly the last one, if management is going to be able to use CRM effectively. I wanted to share some best practices that I have…Continue Reading Illustrated CRM: How CRM Process Helps the Sales Process

Is it time to update your CRM system?

by Chase Kanaly – May 2015 How Do You Know it’s Time? Answering these five questions can help you know if it’s time to update your CRM system. Are we fully utilizing our current CRM system? Have we researched new systems? Do we have the budget? Is the new system easy to train? Can we upgrade the…Continue Reading Is it time to update your CRM system?

Making CRM training tolerable: The 10 Commandments

by Chris Zeppenfeld – May 2015 One of my favorite sales reps said this to me coming out of a CRM training session a few years ago.  I think it’s the best analogy I’ve ever heard about CRM training. “Going to CRM training is like going to the dentist….no one really looks forward to going,…Continue Reading Making CRM training tolerable: The 10 Commandments