Category: Integrity

How to leave a job without burning bridges

By Kirk Wakefield and Chris Morales In the middle of the Great Resignation–the Big Quit or the Great Reshuffle–no better time exists than now to emphasize the best way to go about resigning without looking like a quitter. Let’s start from the time you first take a job until the time comes to move on….Continue Reading How to leave a job without burning bridges

How Sales Management in Pro Sports Can Catch Up to Corporate America

Why do parents, teachers, politicians, managers and salespeople continue bad practices? Four reasons and the ways we express them are: We do what was done to us and assume it was best practice. “Look at me, I turned out OK didn’t I?” We lack the depth and breadth of relevant education to recognize bad practices….Continue Reading How Sales Management in Pro Sports Can Catch Up to Corporate America

How the San Antonio Spurs Grow Good People

by Laural Logan-Fain – April 2016 Defining Culture Culture is defined as the customs, rituals, and values shared with the members of an organization. You can see it by watching the way people interact every day. Culture is ever evolving. Culture is not something you can necessarily control; but it is something about which you…Continue Reading How the San Antonio Spurs Grow Good People

How a Team’s Values Can Shape Lives

by Joey Harvey – April 2016 HOW THE SPURS’ VALUES SHAPED MY CAREER LIFE Spurs Sports & Entertainment operates its business on a daily basis under the umbrella of three primary values: integrity, success, and caring. The aim is to make every decision while upholding each value. These three values have led to growth not only…Continue Reading How a Team’s Values Can Shape Lives

Floor or Front Office: It’s all the same at Spurs Sports & Entertainment

by Kirk Wakefield – April 2016 Values-driven What values drive your organization? What values drive you, personally? If you had to choose one word–one value–to describe what is most important to you, what would it be? Integrity–doing the right thing–is the most important value of the San Antonio Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E) organization. You can’t…Continue Reading Floor or Front Office: It’s all the same at Spurs Sports & Entertainment

Collaborating in Academics & Athletics: Events, Donors, and Development Professionals

by Bryce Killingsworth – August 2015 [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”350px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]In true collaborative spirit, this article was co-authored by Bryce Killingsworth, Development Associate in the School of Arts & Sciences, & Shane Crawford, Senior AVP of Leadership Gifts at Oklahoma State University. [/dropshadowbox]There’s a reason it’s cliche to say college athletics…Continue Reading Collaborating in Academics & Athletics: Events, Donors, and Development Professionals

9 Ways to Best Use Time to Build Your Sports Career

by Jeff Eldersveld – June 2015 The most valuable thing any sports professional can give is time. It doesn’t matter what stage in the career – looking for a job, recent hire at a job, or a seasoned veteran – because how time is spent defines one’s self and, ultimately, one’s career advancement. Time management…Continue Reading 9 Ways to Best Use Time to Build Your Sports Career

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

by Dawn Turner – May 2015 Is there a difference in work ethic across generations? Some say that work ethic has decreased from Gen X to Gen Y. Others say that it varies by individual and their upbringing. Millennials need to be aware of potential generational biases and even seek to overcompensate in order to prove such…Continue Reading What Do You Want To Be Known For?