Month: July 2022

How to leave a job without burning bridges

By Kirk Wakefield and Chris Morales In the middle of the Great Resignation–the Big Quit or the Great Reshuffle–no better time exists than now to emphasize the best way to go about resigning without looking like a quitter. Let’s start from the time you first take a job until the time comes to move on….Continue Reading How to leave a job without burning bridges

What does it take to get to the c-suite of Major League Baseball?

Note: This data was collected in 2018. How long does it take to get to top of the business side in sports? We researched how many years from graduation to making it as CEOs or Presidents, and CIOs (or equivalent), among MLB teams. Quarter of a Century The average time from leaving school to first…Continue Reading What does it take to get to the c-suite of Major League Baseball?