Month: May 2015

Is it time to update your CRM system?

by Chase Kanaly – May 2015 How Do You Know it’s Time? Answering these five questions can help you know if it’s time to update your CRM system. Are we fully utilizing our current CRM system? Have we researched new systems? Do we have the budget? Is the new system easy to train? Can we upgrade the…Continue Reading Is it time to update your CRM system?

10 tips to shape your ticket sales career

by Stephen Gray – May 2015 Many of the tips I’m about to share I received in the classrooms at Baylor as a student. Others I learned during my time at Spurs Sports and Entertainment.  They helped me grow into management. I hope they help you with your career. Some may seem obvious; but sometimes the most…Continue Reading 10 tips to shape your ticket sales career

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

by Dawn Turner – May 2015 Is there a difference in work ethic across generations? Some say that work ethic has decreased from Gen X to Gen Y. Others say that it varies by individual and their upbringing. Millennials need to be aware of potential generational biases and even seek to overcompensate in order to prove such…Continue Reading What Do You Want To Be Known For?

Making CRM training tolerable: The 10 Commandments

by Chris Zeppenfeld – May 2015 One of my favorite sales reps said this to me coming out of a CRM training session a few years ago.  I think it’s the best analogy I’ve ever heard about CRM training. “Going to CRM training is like going to the dentist….no one really looks forward to going,…Continue Reading Making CRM training tolerable: The 10 Commandments