Tag: compensation

How Sales Management in Pro Sports Can Catch Up to Corporate America

Why do parents, teachers, politicians, managers and salespeople continue bad practices? Four reasons and the ways we express them are: We do what was done to us and assume it was best practice. “Look at me, I turned out OK didn’t I?” We lack the depth and breadth of relevant education to recognize bad practices….Continue Reading How Sales Management in Pro Sports Can Catch Up to Corporate America

Do you have your P’s in order?

by Kirk Wakefield – January 2018 People. Purpose. Performance. (Pictures.) S3 2018 Board Meeting Paul Epstein challenged the room of executives, managers and students to truly put people first. With over a decade of managerial experience in pro sports, most recently as Director of Sales at the San Francisco 49ers, Paul shared how their sales organization…Continue Reading Do you have your P’s in order?

Show me the money? The truth behind effective sales commission plans

by Jeff Tanner – July 2013 Are salespeople motivated just by the $ sign? Perhaps the greatest myth in sales is that salespeople are only in it for the money, especially when it comes to sponsorships and premium sales in sports. Our research regarding salesperson motivation showed money as the primary motivator for no more…Continue Reading Show me the money? The truth behind effective sales commission plans