Category: Digital Strategy

The Two Keys to Building a Successful Loyalty Program

by Kelly Cheeseman – August 2014 Everywhere we turn these days we are constantly reminded about loyalty. Every business seems to have a rewards program or a loyalty program. Case in point, on a recent shopping trip to the mall I made transactions at four stores and bought lunch. Four out of the five stops…Continue Reading The Two Keys to Building a Successful Loyalty Program

What can teams learn from Manchester United? How to hang out with fans on Google+

by Alex Stewart – April 2014 Manchester United is a global brand Manchester United, along with Real Madrid and Barcelona, have the most fans outside their own country. They can count on fans in emerging markets, especially Asia and Africa. The Red Devils may be suffering on the pitch currently, with the tenure of David…Continue Reading What can teams learn from Manchester United? How to hang out with fans on Google+

Digital CRM is the New Ticket Sales

by Neil Horowitz – April 2014 The most eye-popping statistic shared at this year’s National Sports Forum (February 9-11, Dallas) came from Associate Athletic Director and Chief Marketing Officer at the University of South Carolina, Eric Nichols (@ericnichols): A $38,000 digital media budget realized $922,000 in track-able ticket sales. That number is astounding to be sure, but…Continue Reading Digital CRM is the New Ticket Sales

#LoveJu: How Juventus & Jeep Partner to Target the Digital Fan

by Alex Stewart – March 2014 #LOVEJU Juventus, la Vecchia Signora of Italian football, may be one of the most established brands in Italy, but she recently showed the sort of innovative approach to earned media that many newer, more agile brands could only sit back and admire. Using a multi-platform approach to social media,…Continue Reading #LoveJu: How Juventus & Jeep Partner to Target the Digital Fan

How Can Teams Use Social Media To Build Brand, Develop Fans & Tell Their Story?

by Neil Horowitz – February 2014 Before the days of social media, the frequency and avenues of touch points between brands and consumers, and teams and fans, were few and far between. Beyond media broadcasts and ads, team slogans printed, and in-venue experiences, the concept of building a brand and using it to develop fans…Continue Reading How Can Teams Use Social Media To Build Brand, Develop Fans & Tell Their Story?

Why you should go to the Digital Sports Fan Engagement Conference

by Kirk Wakefield – January 2014 The Digital Fan Engagement Conference to be held March 3-4, 2014, in Dallas (TX) looks promising. Q1 Productions, a leading organizer of research-based, education program content, shared some content with us from some of the leading presenters. These interviews are posted in full on the Q1 productions blog and…Continue Reading Why you should go to the Digital Sports Fan Engagement Conference

How would you describe your social media fans to sponsors?

by Kirk Wakefield – August 2013 Brands highly prioritize social media engagement when partnering with sports properties. But who are these social media fans? Who are we reaching with the team’s social media? Earlier this year we sampled registered users from a professional franchise (N = 469). The chart below displays the results of a…Continue Reading How would you describe your social media fans to sponsors?

What does it really mean to delight premium customers?

by Kirk Wakefield – July 2013 Sports franchises may draw some of the less-discerning masses with dollar hot dog night and all-you-can-ingest seating sections, but luxury seats and suite buyers expect intimate personalization.  You can’t get intimate with an advertised special or promotion night. As with any other relationship in life, intimacy doesn’t lend itself to…Continue Reading What does it really mean to delight premium customers?

S3 Leadership Spotlight: Dave Nottoli @GM

by Blake Cargill – July 2013 Dave Notolli, Regional Sales and Marketing Manager at General Motors, has worked for GM for over 30 years. A graduate of Purdue University, Notolli has enjoyed the automotive business from the moment he became a part of it. The automotive business has a unique, challenging aspect to it because…Continue Reading S3 Leadership Spotlight: Dave Nottoli @GM

Where is the next tech battlefield? Predicting the future of sponsors on the field

by Eric Fernandez – July 2013 Microsoft Surface on the sidelines In May, the NFL announced a ground breaking partnership with Microsoft that would bring interactive features to fans watching at home through the X-box One console (in-game Skyping, split screen to view game feeds with stats and fantasy updates, etc) and provide a significant…Continue Reading Where is the next tech battlefield? Predicting the future of sponsors on the field