Year: 2013

S3 Leadership Spotlight: Dave Nottoli @GM

by Blake Cargill – July 2013 Dave Notolli, Regional Sales and Marketing Manager at General Motors, has worked for GM for over 30 years. A graduate of Purdue University, Notolli has enjoyed the automotive business from the moment he became a part of it. The automotive business has a unique, challenging aspect to it because…Continue Reading S3 Leadership Spotlight: Dave Nottoli @GM

Where is the next tech battlefield? Predicting the future of sponsors on the field

by Eric Fernandez – July 2013 Microsoft Surface on the sidelines In May, the NFL announced a ground breaking partnership with Microsoft that would bring interactive features to fans watching at home through the X-box One console (in-game Skyping, split screen to view game feeds with stats and fantasy updates, etc) and provide a significant…Continue Reading Where is the next tech battlefield? Predicting the future of sponsors on the field

How to build trust in relationship selling

by Dan Rockwell – July 2013 All successful relationships require trust Good salespeople build relationships because organizational success depends on it. If trust is something “they” do, you are the problem. Research shows three important consequences related to trust and performance. Overall business performance for organizations is higher when salespeople trust their managers.1  Individual sales performance is…Continue Reading How to build trust in relationship selling

Show me the money? The truth behind effective sales commission plans

by Jeff Tanner – July 2013 Are salespeople motivated just by the $ sign? Perhaps the greatest myth in sales is that salespeople are only in it for the money, especially when it comes to sponsorships and premium sales in sports. Our research regarding salesperson motivation showed money as the primary motivator for no more…Continue Reading Show me the money? The truth behind effective sales commission plans

3 basic questions you should ask premium seat buyers

by Kirk Wakefield – July 2013 Preparation is the key to selling efficiency Preparation is on anyone’s top 10 list of what makes successful salespeople. Successful preparation is based on asking the customer the right questions. Knowing the right questions is one thing. But knowing the right answers can lead to more sales and more…Continue Reading 3 basic questions you should ask premium seat buyers

Bill Boyce NBA D-League Executive of the Year

Bill Boyce has been a great friend and leader in the Baylor S3 community since the launch of the the Dallas Mavericks D-league team in Frisco. The Baylor S3 program selected Bill as one of our Chevrolet S3 Outstanding Board Members in 2012. We’re excited for him and certainly agree the League made an excellent selection!  …Continue Reading Bill Boyce NBA D-League Executive of the Year

How did the S3 Report grow over 400% in 4 months?

by Kirk Wakefield – June 2013 Thanks to you, the growth in readership and membership at the S3 Report has been exceptional. Let’s start with who we are and then how we’ve grown. Who are we? The S3 Report launched in January 2013 with a following of no more than 75 members of our S3…Continue Reading How did the S3 Report grow over 400% in 4 months?

Under Armour – The Underdog Story of Sports Merchandise

by Anne Rivers – June 2013 How to break into a mature market The giants of athletic gear (Nike, Adidas and Reebok) traditionally dominated the sports merchandising brand space through partnerships with sports franchises and collegiate athletics. In mature, lucrative industries like this, the question for others is always the same: How do you break into a market…Continue Reading Under Armour – The Underdog Story of Sports Merchandise

Sales training for CRM: The 3 sales rep types & how to reach them

by Chris Zeppenfeld – June 2013 How can CRM fail? Numerous studies estimate that somewhere around 50% of all CRM implementations ultimately fail.   That’s scary.  Why do CRM implementations fail? User adoption is usually at the top of the list of most of the articles on the subject.  The recurring theme is reps and managers need…Continue Reading Sales training for CRM: The 3 sales rep types & how to reach them

Be Sure to Drink your Ovaltine (and other sponsorship lessons from A Christmas Story)

by Drew Mitchell – June 2013 A crummy commercial? A Christmas Story is one of my favorite classic holiday movies, an opinion likely shared by many of you given how it seems to run 24/7 on TBS during the Christmas season. As my family gathers around the Christmas tree each year we laugh at the great…Continue Reading Be Sure to Drink your Ovaltine (and other sponsorship lessons from A Christmas Story)