Tag: twitter

#LoveJu: How Juventus & Jeep Partner to Target the Digital Fan

by Alex Stewart – March 2014 #LOVEJU Juventus, la Vecchia Signora of Italian football, may be one of the most established brands in Italy, but she recently showed the sort of innovative approach to earned media that many newer, more agile brands could only sit back and admire. Using a multi-platform approach to social media,…Continue Reading #LoveJu: How Juventus & Jeep Partner to Target the Digital Fan

How Can Teams Use Social Media To Build Brand, Develop Fans & Tell Their Story?

by Neil Horowitz – February 2014 Before the days of social media, the frequency and avenues of touch points between brands and consumers, and teams and fans, were few and far between. Beyond media broadcasts and ads, team slogans printed, and in-venue experiences, the concept of building a brand and using it to develop fans…Continue Reading How Can Teams Use Social Media To Build Brand, Develop Fans & Tell Their Story?

Does using social media in selling increase performance?

by Wayne Guymon – October 2013 Social Media is all fun and no work, right?  Those “millennials” are always on their phones, checking Facebook and “LOL’ing” with their friends.  It always seems to be “tweet this” and “hashtag that.”  I can hardly understand what they are saying sometimes! The truth of the matter is that…Continue Reading Does using social media in selling increase performance?

How Will Teams Stay Personal In This Social Media Era?

by Bryan Apgar – May 2013 Look at these “kids” these days; all they do is tweet, text,  and Facebook each other and don’t get out and do anything together. Some even sit in the same room texting each other. Social media can help or hinder personal relationships. You might react to these “kids” like…Continue Reading How Will Teams Stay Personal In This Social Media Era?

Can social media make or break interview chances?

by Jeannette Salas – April 2013 Social Media, Networking, Common 1st Year Mistakes, and Tips for Success Social media shows up in the most unusual places Employers frequently search candidates on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked In, and blogs to see what they find.  Maybe they find a cute picture of your dog (Griffie, above). Or…Continue Reading Can social media make or break interview chances?

How NOT to run a team Twitter account

by Matt Briggs – March 2013 Newcastle United fans have their say on club’s Twitter use Newcastle United supporters – a passionate bunch. Digital communications is now the front line of fan engagement for football clubs. The Premier League is a world wide brand and online means messages instantly disseminate around the globe. Just look at…Continue Reading How NOT to run a team Twitter account

What does your Twitter and LinkedIn say about your personal brand?

by Ken Troupe – March 2013 Last month we talked about the importance of laying the foundation for your personal brand.  Now let’s turn to the tools of the trade to communicate your personal brand online. Twitter [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Twitter allows for another channel of communication with your customers…Continue Reading What does your Twitter and LinkedIn say about your personal brand?

Social media in the NFL: Strategy and tools

by Nick Schenck – March 2013 At the Houston Texans, we publish content on three times as many platforms as we did in 2010. Through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Foursquare and Pinterest, we collectively reach more than 1.4mm fans. We’re not alone in allocating resources toward social. McKinsey found that 39 percent of companies use social media…Continue Reading Social media in the NFL: Strategy and tools

Establishing Your Personal Brand

by Ken Troupe – February 2013 What does your Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook say about you? A brand is “a type of product manufactured by a company under a particular name.”  But what about your personal brand? It used to be only people like Dion Sanders, Oprah, or Martha Stewart needed to worry about their personal brands….Continue Reading Establishing Your Personal Brand

Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies

by Anita Sehgal – February 2013 As organizations continue to utilize sports sponsorships and activation within their marketing mix, they are also faced with the ongoing challenge of ensuring activation is relevant, measurable and engaging for consumers. Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies will enhance sponsorship initiatives in three ways:[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”curled” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff”…Continue Reading Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies