Tag: San Antonio Spurs

How a Team’s Values Can Shape Lives

by Joey Harvey – April 2016 HOW THE SPURS’ VALUES SHAPED MY CAREER LIFE Spurs Sports & Entertainment operates its business on a daily basis under the umbrella of three primary values: integrity, success, and caring. The aim is to make every decision while upholding each value. These three values have led to growth not only…Continue Reading How a Team’s Values Can Shape Lives

Floor or Front Office: It’s all the same at Spurs Sports & Entertainment

by Kirk Wakefield – April 2016 Values-driven What values drive your organization? What values drive you, personally? If you had to choose one word–one value–to describe what is most important to you, what would it be? Integrity–doing the right thing–is the most important value of the San Antonio Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E) organization. You can’t…Continue Reading Floor or Front Office: It’s all the same at Spurs Sports & Entertainment

Making CRM What Your Sales Staff Wants

by Brooke Gaddie – March 2015 Get to know your staff No two sales staffs are going to be exactly the same. No two reps on your staff may be the same. In order to achieve the level of acceptance that you want, you have to make the system do what they want. That means…Continue Reading Making CRM What Your Sales Staff Wants

How to Get Into Sponsorship Sales

by Brooks Byers – October 2014 The Dallas Mavericks’ George Killebrew, the San Antonio Spurs’ Jeanne Garza and Baylor IMG’s Brian George shared advice and experiences in the sponsorship field at the Baylor S3 Club meeting on October 8th. Courtesy of Fox Sports Southwest and Fox Sports 1, we also provided some lucky Baylor S3…Continue Reading How to Get Into Sponsorship Sales

The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple

by Carson Heady – April 2013 Sales is a psychology; a profitable sport by which we engage clients, build relationships and seek the perfect balance for the holy sales trinity: customer, company and you.  Without all of these entities in mind, the transaction and stability suffers. [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]…Continue Reading The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple

The Chevrolet S3 2012 Awards

by Kirk Wakefield – October 2012 Thanks to Chevrolet and S3 Board Members Dave Nottoli, Steve Flynn, and Jeff Busch, the 2012 S3 Board Meeting marked the first year of the S3 Awards for Outstanding Board Members (Corporate & Team), Outstanding S3 Alum, and Outstanding S3 Writer. Selections were based on those who exemplify the…Continue Reading The Chevrolet S3 2012 Awards