Tag: sales performance

Does Grit Lead to High Performance in Sales?

by Kirk Wakefield – June 2017 What is Grit? Angela Duckworth made an industry out of her own passion and perseverance toward a long-term goal–her definition of grit–and measuring it in others. Controlling for other factors (SAT scores, IQ, self-control, and the Big 5 personality traits), she and her colleague’s research[ref]Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews & Kelly…Continue Reading Does Grit Lead to High Performance in Sales?

Does using social media in selling increase performance?

by Wayne Guymon – October 2013 Social Media is all fun and no work, right?  Those “millennials” are always on their phones, checking Facebook and “LOL’ing” with their friends.  It always seems to be “tweet this” and “hashtag that.”  I can hardly understand what they are saying sometimes! The truth of the matter is that…Continue Reading Does using social media in selling increase performance?

How to build trust in relationship selling

by Dan Rockwell – July 2013 All successful relationships require trust Good salespeople build relationships because organizational success depends on it. If trust is something “they” do, you are the problem. Research shows three important consequences related to trust and performance. Overall business performance for organizations is higher when salespeople trust their managers.1  Individual sales performance is…Continue Reading How to build trust in relationship selling