Tag: lead

How the San Antonio Spurs Grow Good People

by Laural Logan-Fain – April 2016 Defining Culture Culture is defined as the customs, rituals, and values shared with the members of an organization. You can see it by watching the way people interact every day. Culture is ever evolving. Culture is not something you can necessarily control; but it is something about which you…Continue Reading How the San Antonio Spurs Grow Good People

What to do when you’re the new boss

by Matt Bowman – October 2013 Anyone in the sports business very long knows one may have to relocate to advance one’s career.  While certainly not a requirement, top executives have made a few stops in different cities in different sports and with different organizations throughout their career.  It can be an exciting but daunting…Continue Reading What to do when you’re the new boss

Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

by Lynn Wittenburg – August 2013 I got this headline “Market Like a Rock Star” in an email after I read the book Radical Marketing. They were trying to sell me a book about the Grateful Dead. No sale, but it caught my attention. What if I really did market like a rock star? What would…Continue Reading Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple

by Carson Heady – April 2013 Sales is a psychology; a profitable sport by which we engage clients, build relationships and seek the perfect balance for the holy sales trinity: customer, company and you.  Without all of these entities in mind, the transaction and stability suffers. [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]…Continue Reading The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple