Tag: customer service

Selling Collegiate Sports: Happy Customers = Sales

by Bryce Killingsworth – May 2014 Collegiate ticket sales departments continue to expand. Some hired into these new sales positions have training in professional selling, while others may have worked their ways through college internships into the first open position that suits their aptitudes and attitudes. So, whether we are trained to sell or are…Continue Reading Selling Collegiate Sports: Happy Customers = Sales

What makes a great ballpark?

by Kirk Wakefield – May 2013 My favorite is AT&T Park. You don’t have to love baseball to love going there. And that really is the business issue: How do you build or maintain a park that attracts people who don’t really care about baseball? The Cubs aren’t spending $500 million in renovations because baseball…Continue Reading What makes a great ballpark?

How Will Teams Stay Personal In This Social Media Era?

by Bryan Apgar – May 2013 Look at these “kids” these days; all they do is tweet, text,  and Facebook each other and don’t get out and do anything together. Some even sit in the same room texting each other. Social media can help or hinder personal relationships. You might react to these “kids” like…Continue Reading How Will Teams Stay Personal In This Social Media Era?