Category: Marketing

How Can Teams Use Social Media To Build Brand, Develop Fans & Tell Their Story?

by Neil Horowitz – February 2014 Before the days of social media, the frequency and avenues of touch points between brands and consumers, and teams and fans, were few and far between. Beyond media broadcasts and ads, team slogans printed, and in-venue experiences, the concept of building a brand and using it to develop fans…Continue Reading How Can Teams Use Social Media To Build Brand, Develop Fans & Tell Their Story?

Richard Sherman, The Craziest Player at the Super Bowl?

by Deven Nongbri – January 2014 We’re all probably a bit tired about hearing of Richard Sherman and his outburst in the NFC Championship  game. His seemingly angry rant rankled a lot of folks and stirred endless debate both online and offline. But let’s look at what he did. httpv:// Did he curse?  No. Was…Continue Reading Richard Sherman, The Craziest Player at the Super Bowl?

Six Differences Between Working in College versus Pro Sports (and why they may change)

by Rocky Harris – January 2014 The first 12 years of my career were spent working in professional sports and corporate America. I made the move to collegiate athletics two years ago because I was given an opportunity to work for my alma mater, Arizona State University. Before shifting over to collegiate athletics, I assumed…Continue Reading Six Differences Between Working in College versus Pro Sports (and why they may change)

Why you should go to the Digital Sports Fan Engagement Conference

by Kirk Wakefield – January 2014 The Digital Fan Engagement Conference to be held March 3-4, 2014, in Dallas (TX) looks promising. Q1 Productions, a leading organizer of research-based, education program content, shared some content with us from some of the leading presenters. These interviews are posted in full on the Q1 productions blog and…Continue Reading Why you should go to the Digital Sports Fan Engagement Conference

How can sales & marketing get along?

by Lynn Wittenburg – January 2014 I’m often asked how sales & marketing should work together and if they can. There always seems to be tension between the two in most sports organizations, even though fundamentally they should be integrated. Since I spent eight years selling tickets before crossing over into the world of marketing,…Continue Reading How can sales & marketing get along?

Sponsorship Success is Defined by the Numbers You Measure

by Tom Hughes – September 2013 “If I had a dollar to spend on marketing why would I spend it on sponsorship?”                                                                                                                                         –Typical CMO If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked a variation of that question over the years, I could probably afford a nice presenting sponsorship somewhere. One of…Continue Reading Sponsorship Success is Defined by the Numbers You Measure

Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

by Lynn Wittenburg – August 2013 I got this headline “Market Like a Rock Star” in an email after I read the book Radical Marketing. They were trying to sell me a book about the Grateful Dead. No sale, but it caught my attention. What if I really did market like a rock star? What would…Continue Reading Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

Are you the best around?

by Jeff Eldersveld – August 2013 What does “best” mean? The word “best” is interesting. While clearly defined in sports with crowned champions, MVPs, medals and trophies, the business side of sports is a little harder to understand. Who is the champion of website marketing? What was the best in-game promotion? Sure, there are awards for…Continue Reading Are you the best around?