Year: 2013

Dealing with frustration in sales

by Dan Rockwell – August 2013 The way you deal with today’s frustration reflects the leader or the salesperson you’ll become tomorrow. Frustration is an alarm clock; a spotlight pointing: a match burned too long. Frustration is a gift that says pay attention. Don’t get frustrated with frustration. Frustration is feedback on decisions and relationships. Frustration’s goal The…Continue Reading Dealing with frustration in sales

How would you describe your social media fans to sponsors?

by Kirk Wakefield – August 2013 Brands highly prioritize social media engagement when partnering with sports properties. But who are these social media fans? Who are we reaching with the team’s social media? Earlier this year we sampled registered users from a professional franchise (N = 469). The chart below displays the results of a…Continue Reading How would you describe your social media fans to sponsors?

Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

by Lynn Wittenburg – August 2013 I got this headline “Market Like a Rock Star” in an email after I read the book Radical Marketing. They were trying to sell me a book about the Grateful Dead. No sale, but it caught my attention. What if I really did market like a rock star? What would…Continue Reading Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

Three Steps to Creating an Effective Entry-Level Sales Contest

by Brian Norman – August 2013 “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Think about a sales contest you have conducted (or participated in) that was missing something. Perhaps it did not have a specific purpose, was unorganized, anticlimactic, or even ineffective?  Rather than using a generic model, create…Continue Reading Three Steps to Creating an Effective Entry-Level Sales Contest

Are you the best around?

by Jeff Eldersveld – August 2013 What does “best” mean? The word “best” is interesting. While clearly defined in sports with crowned champions, MVPs, medals and trophies, the business side of sports is a little harder to understand. Who is the champion of website marketing? What was the best in-game promotion? Sure, there are awards for…Continue Reading Are you the best around?

The essential elements of successful sales leadership: Staying ahead of the curve

by Carson Heady – July 2013 Two governing principles Two governing principles drive sales management success: people and process. The right personnel following the right procedures equal success. The numbers will be there. In Vegas the house always wins because it knows and plays the odds. In the same way, we fail when we don’t…Continue Reading The essential elements of successful sales leadership: Staying ahead of the curve

How’s your sense of sell? Defining your personal brand

by Brian George – July 2013 Much of your personal brand is on display via social media, as Ken Troupe shared with us in Establishing Your Personal Brand and What does your Twitter and LinkedIn say about your personal brand. Within the context of premium and corporate sales, let’s explore more what it means to establish…Continue Reading How’s your sense of sell? Defining your personal brand

What does it really mean to delight premium customers?

by Kirk Wakefield – July 2013 Sports franchises may draw some of the less-discerning masses with dollar hot dog night and all-you-can-ingest seating sections, but luxury seats and suite buyers expect intimate personalization.  You can’t get intimate with an advertised special or promotion night. As with any other relationship in life, intimacy doesn’t lend itself to…Continue Reading What does it really mean to delight premium customers?

Creating the right culture for your sales team

by Jake Reynolds – July 2013 Creating the Right Culture What is culture? We hear the word thrown around in the sales industry about as often as actual sales are being made. Gallup defines culture as “the attitudes that employees have about the environment in which they work.” Every organization defines and creates culture in…Continue Reading Creating the right culture for your sales team