Tag: training

How the San Antonio Spurs Grow Good People

by Laural Logan-Fain – April 2016 Defining Culture Culture is defined as the customs, rituals, and values shared with the members of an organization. You can see it by watching the way people interact every day. Culture is ever evolving. Culture is not something you can necessarily control; but it is something about which you…Continue Reading How the San Antonio Spurs Grow Good People

Illustrated CRM: How CRM Process Helps the Sales Process

by Alex Karp – September 2015 Three things will make CRM a great tool for your organization: consistency, ease of use, and documentation of activity. All of these are essential, particularly the last one, if management is going to be able to use CRM effectively. I wanted to share some best practices that I have…Continue Reading Illustrated CRM: How CRM Process Helps the Sales Process

9 Ways to Best Use Time to Build Your Sports Career

by Jeff Eldersveld – June 2015 The most valuable thing any sports professional can give is time. It doesn’t matter what stage in the career – looking for a job, recent hire at a job, or a seasoned veteran – because how time is spent defines one’s self and, ultimately, one’s career advancement. Time management…Continue Reading 9 Ways to Best Use Time to Build Your Sports Career

Making CRM What Your Sales Staff Wants

by Brooke Gaddie – March 2015 Get to know your staff No two sales staffs are going to be exactly the same. No two reps on your staff may be the same. In order to achieve the level of acceptance that you want, you have to make the system do what they want. That means…Continue Reading Making CRM What Your Sales Staff Wants

Students: Finding your Perfect Sports Business Employer

by Brian Norman – January 2015 Students: Finding your Perfect Sports Business Employer It’s your senior year. You’ve been through hundreds of hours of classroom instruction, completed multiple industry internships, and built your network extremely well. You’ve taken advantage of every opportunity. You are ready to jump head first into a full-time position within the…Continue Reading Students: Finding your Perfect Sports Business Employer

10 Things Newbies Need to Know About the Sports CRM World

by Chris Zeppenfeld – June 2014 I get this call/voicemail at least once a week from other sports teams…it goes something like this: [dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”350px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]“Hey Zep! We’re looking for someone to manage our new CRM program. Do you know anyone who would be good for this CRM opening for my…Continue Reading 10 Things Newbies Need to Know About the Sports CRM World

Does using social media in selling increase performance?

by Wayne Guymon – October 2013 Social Media is all fun and no work, right?  Those “millennials” are always on their phones, checking Facebook and “LOL’ing” with their friends.  It always seems to be “tweet this” and “hashtag that.”  I can hardly understand what they are saying sometimes! The truth of the matter is that…Continue Reading Does using social media in selling increase performance?

Sales training for CRM: The 3 sales rep types & how to reach them

by Chris Zeppenfeld – June 2013 How can CRM fail? Numerous studies estimate that somewhere around 50% of all CRM implementations ultimately fail.   That’s scary.  Why do CRM implementations fail? User adoption is usually at the top of the list of most of the articles on the subject.  The recurring theme is reps and managers need…Continue Reading Sales training for CRM: The 3 sales rep types & how to reach them

Sales Training: How to Handle Objections

by Sean Ream – May 2013 Handling Objections How often do you hear the proud statement from a sales representative, “I just had a great conversation, they are definitely going to buy.”  A natural response from the manager usually is, “What are his/her concerns?”   And then comes the answer you don’t want to hear.  “They…Continue Reading Sales Training: How to Handle Objections