Tag: preparation

Getting in the game: Removing and replacing the fear of rejection

by Carson Heady – March 2015 Those moments prior to dialing, pulling that door or entering the board room are like stepping in the batter’s box or breaking the huddle. You formulated a semblance of a strategy, thought (or over-thought!) and now you have to execute the play. But what if I whiff? What if the pass is intercepted?…Continue Reading Getting in the game: Removing and replacing the fear of rejection

3 Questions You Must Answer if You Want to Work in Sponsorships

by Matt Brand – June 2014 Whether you want to work in the Wide World of Sports Sponsorships, or really any competitive field of business, you’re going to face someone like me in the interview process. I always ask these three questions in the interview: What are you not good at? How do you plan…Continue Reading 3 Questions You Must Answer if You Want to Work in Sponsorships

3 basic questions you should ask premium seat buyers

by Kirk Wakefield – July 2013 Preparation is the key to selling efficiency Preparation is on anyone’s top 10 list of what makes successful salespeople. Successful preparation is based on asking the customer the right questions. Knowing the right questions is one thing. But knowing the right answers can lead to more sales and more…Continue Reading 3 basic questions you should ask premium seat buyers