Tag: millennials

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

by Dawn Turner – May 2015 Is there a difference in work ethic across generations? Some say that work ethic has decreased from Gen X to Gen Y. Others say that it varies by individual and their upbringing. Millennials need to be aware of potential generational biases and even seek to overcompensate in order to prove such…Continue Reading What Do You Want To Be Known For?

GenX and GenY: Tips for working with each other on the same team

by Brian Erenrich – September 2013 Co-authored with David Quill. At times it feels as if Generation X and Y have declared “war” on one another. Yet, instead of looking at the negatives (highlighted below), we need to focus on the positives and how we can collaborate. So let’s look at the good, the bad,…Continue Reading GenX and GenY: Tips for working with each other on the same team