Tag: media

Richard Sherman, The Craziest Player at the Super Bowl?

by Deven Nongbri – January 2014 We’re all probably a bit tired about hearing of Richard Sherman and his outburst in the NFC Championship  game. His seemingly angry rant rankled a lot of folks and stirred endless debate both online and offline. But let’s look at what he did. httpv://youtube.com/watch?v=K7n7PiwYKag Did he curse?  No. Was…Continue Reading Richard Sherman, The Craziest Player at the Super Bowl?

How can properties support sponsorship rate cards?

by Kirk Wakefield – January 2014 Is sponsorship more about media or meaning? Why should brands pay for the rights to be an anchor sponsor of an NFL, MLB, or NASCAR property? Can these properties defend their rate cards that afford brands the rights to communicate with their fans via the property’s venue, television, radio,…Continue Reading How can properties support sponsorship rate cards?

Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies

by Anita Sehgal – February 2013 As organizations continue to utilize sports sponsorships and activation within their marketing mix, they are also faced with the ongoing challenge of ensuring activation is relevant, measurable and engaging for consumers. Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies will enhance sponsorship initiatives in three ways:[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”curled” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff”…Continue Reading Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies