Tag: ManU

What can teams learn from Manchester United? How to hang out with fans on Google+

by Alex Stewart – April 2014 Manchester United is a global brand Manchester United, along with Real Madrid and Barcelona, have the most fans outside their own country. They can count on fans in emerging markets, especially Asia and Africa. The Red Devils may be suffering on the pitch currently, with the tenure of David…Continue Reading What can teams learn from Manchester United? How to hang out with fans on Google+

S3 Leadership Spotlight: Dave Nottoli @GM

by Blake Cargill – July 2013 Dave Notolli, Regional Sales and Marketing Manager at General Motors, has worked for GM for over 30 years. A graduate of Purdue University, Notolli has enjoyed the automotive business from the moment he became a part of it. The automotive business has a unique, challenging aspect to it because…Continue Reading S3 Leadership Spotlight: Dave Nottoli @GM