Tag: Houston Texans

Happy New Year! What’s New?

by Kirk Wakefield – January 2014 We hope you like the new look of the site that allows us to feature the most recent articles on top and to randomly display some of the 110 articles written in 2013 by leaders in the sports sales industry. You can pull up any month’s articles from the…Continue Reading Happy New Year! What’s New?

How’s your sense of sell? Defining your personal brand

by Brian George – July 2013 Much of your personal brand is on display via social media, as Ken Troupe shared with us in Establishing Your Personal Brand and What does your Twitter and LinkedIn say about your personal brand. Within the context of premium and corporate sales, let’s explore more what it means to establish…Continue Reading How’s your sense of sell? Defining your personal brand

Social media in the NFL: Strategy and tools

by Nick Schenck – March 2013 At the Houston Texans, we publish content on three times as many platforms as we did in 2010. Through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Foursquare and Pinterest, we collectively reach more than 1.4mm fans. We’re not alone in allocating resources toward social. McKinsey found that 39 percent of companies use social media…Continue Reading Social media in the NFL: Strategy and tools

Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies

by Anita Sehgal – February 2013 As organizations continue to utilize sports sponsorships and activation within their marketing mix, they are also faced with the ongoing challenge of ensuring activation is relevant, measurable and engaging for consumers. Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies will enhance sponsorship initiatives in three ways:[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”curled” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff”…Continue Reading Leveraging digital marketing and media strategies