Tag: Creative sponsorships

5 Best Practices to Create Loyalty with Corporate Partners

by Lauren Ward – August 2015 Fan loyalty is at the forefront of every team’s objectives.  Loyalty is defined as “having or showing complete and constant support of someone or something.” Teams build loyalty in many ways: social media, events, player appearances and, of course, winning. Season ticket holders are a prime example of fan loyalty. They…Continue Reading 5 Best Practices to Create Loyalty with Corporate Partners

Why Stadium Connectivity Presents the Best Sponsorship Opportunity for Teams & Corporations

by Angelina Lawton – January 2015 The second screen in sports The ongoing conversation is how to integrate the second screen into the sports industry. More and more, fans spurn attending games to watch events from the comfort of their own homes. As teams and leagues seek to increase  revenue, the time has come to fully…Continue Reading Why Stadium Connectivity Presents the Best Sponsorship Opportunity for Teams & Corporations

Six Brand Activation Ideas that Soar

by Dawn Turner – July 2014 Over my years at American Airlines I was fortunate to be part of some great brand activation campaigns.  The following is a list of my favorite sports and entertainment marketing activations and other moments in general (in no particular order), followed by how partnerships can adopt some of the…Continue Reading Six Brand Activation Ideas that Soar

#LoveJu: How Juventus & Jeep Partner to Target the Digital Fan

by Alex Stewart – March 2014 #LOVEJU Juventus, la Vecchia Signora of Italian football, may be one of the most established brands in Italy, but she recently showed the sort of innovative approach to earned media that many newer, more agile brands could only sit back and admire. Using a multi-platform approach to social media,…Continue Reading #LoveJu: How Juventus & Jeep Partner to Target the Digital Fan

Changing The Pitch/Recap Game

by Angelina Lawton – January 2014 Partners want more. Teams want to GIVE more. In recent times, PowerPoint presentations WERE considered trend setting and innovative. But, as we all know we live in a rapidly changing technology driven world. What was once standard is now being quickly replaced by anything digital teams can get their…Continue Reading Changing The Pitch/Recap Game

What do college graduates have to offer the sports industry? Fresh Legs!

by Laura Cade – January 2014 Fans today demand access to a second screen experience to stay connected during the game, rather than just sit there and watch the entire event. So how can organizations respond to this trend with a changing viewing audience? They need some fresh legs: Young adults who bring an innovative, creative…Continue Reading What do college graduates have to offer the sports industry? Fresh Legs!

Bill Boyce NBA D-League Executive of the Year

Bill Boyce has been a great friend and leader in the Baylor S3 community since the launch of the the Dallas Mavericks D-league team in Frisco. The Baylor S3 program selected Bill as one of our Chevrolet S3 Outstanding Board Members in 2012. We’re excited for him and certainly agree the League made an excellent selection!  …Continue Reading Bill Boyce NBA D-League Executive of the Year

Be Sure to Drink your Ovaltine (and other sponsorship lessons from A Christmas Story)

by Drew Mitchell – June 2013 A crummy commercial? A Christmas Story is one of my favorite classic holiday movies, an opinion likely shared by many of you given how it seems to run 24/7 on TBS during the Christmas season. As my family gathers around the Christmas tree each year we laugh at the great…Continue Reading Be Sure to Drink your Ovaltine (and other sponsorship lessons from A Christmas Story)

Here’s a method to turn sponsorship assets into answers

by Bill Glenn – April 2013 Assets or answers? [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Selling Blind I’m obviously not a big fan of blind, asset-based proposals where it is apparent that the property has no understanding of our brand and what we’re trying to accomplish. We get hundreds of these a week….Continue Reading Here’s a method to turn sponsorship assets into answers