Day: October 7, 2013

What to do when you’re the new boss

by Matt Bowman – October 2013 Anyone in the sports business very long knows one may have to relocate to advance one’s career.  While certainly not a requirement, top executives have made a few stops in different cities in different sports and with different organizations throughout their career.  It can be an exciting but daunting…Continue Reading What to do when you’re the new boss

S3 Alum Spotlight on Katy Gager

by Justin Pipes – October 2013 Katy Gager (Baylor S3 ’08) is a Senior Account Executive at The Marketing Arm an agency based in Dallas, Texas. She represents and manages AT&T’s brand through corporate sponsorship of professional & collegiate sports properties in the Southeast Region. Willing to move Katy transferred to Baylor for the S3 program…Continue Reading S3 Alum Spotlight on Katy Gager

Does using social media in selling increase performance?

by Wayne Guymon – October 2013 Social Media is all fun and no work, right?  Those “millennials” are always on their phones, checking Facebook and “LOL’ing” with their friends.  It always seems to be “tweet this” and “hashtag that.”  I can hardly understand what they are saying sometimes! The truth of the matter is that…Continue Reading Does using social media in selling increase performance?

Have phone sales gone the way of the dinosaur?

by Kris Katseanes – October 2013 Consider these changing dynamics of society: More than 2/3 of event tickets are purchased online The increasing number of homes with no land line, relying exclusively on cell phones: Must consider legal solicitation rules/challenges Increases chances of reaching someone in the middle of another activity as opposed to at…Continue Reading Have phone sales gone the way of the dinosaur?

“Please stop complaining about how busy you are”

by Kirk Wakefield – October 2013 I’m guilty. What about you? When I read that headline posted by my friend J.W. Cannon, I realized one thing: When people contact me they don’t care how busy I am. They want to know I care. About them. About whatever it is that motivated them to contact me. What…Continue Reading “Please stop complaining about how busy you are”