Tag: Super Bowl

Why the Super Bowl Ads Missed the Mark

by Kirk Wakefield – February 2015 Advertisers for Super Bowl 49, at least I’m pretty sure that’s the number we’re on, collectively set the mark for most depressing ads ever. Sure, Fiat, Doritos, Snickers and Supercell did their best to entertain. These are ads we wouldn’t mind seeing again. Others, however, must have been reading…Continue Reading Why the Super Bowl Ads Missed the Mark

Why Stadium Connectivity Presents the Best Sponsorship Opportunity for Teams & Corporations

by Angelina Lawton – January 2015 The second screen in sports The ongoing conversation is how to integrate the second screen into the sports industry. More and more, fans spurn attending games to watch events from the comfort of their own homes. As teams and leagues seek to increase  revenue, the time has come to fully…Continue Reading Why Stadium Connectivity Presents the Best Sponsorship Opportunity for Teams & Corporations

Why Sponsors Flock to The Olympics and Super Bowl: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Their Fans & Brands

by Anne Rivers – February 2014 Why do brands line up to sponsor The Olympics & the Super Bowl? Below are five truths you might have suspected, but didn’t have the evidence or the details that explain why brands do what they do. 1. The Super Bowl and The Olympics are the two most powerful…Continue Reading Why Sponsors Flock to The Olympics and Super Bowl: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Their Fans & Brands