by Itzayana Aguirre – February 2018 Sponsorship Shorts: QUICKWAY Wesley Abercrombie (S3, 2017), the General Manager for Partnership Sales at Southeastern Louisiana University Athletics, shared this creative partnership activation strategy: If the basketball team makes eight 3-point shots, everyone at the game wins a free slushie from our local convenience store partner, Quickway. We keep track…Continue Reading Want a QUICKWAY for a great activation strategy?
How would you describe your social media fans to sponsors?
by Kirk Wakefield – August 2013 Brands highly prioritize social media engagement when partnering with sports properties. But who are these social media fans? Who are we reaching with the team’s social media? Earlier this year we sampled registered users from a professional franchise (N = 469). The chart below displays the results of a…Continue Reading How would you describe your social media fans to sponsors?
The Nets move to Brooklyn: Brand boon or bust?
by Anne Rivers – January 2013 Whose brand is bigger? Knicks or Nets? What happens to teams as they move cities? Do people miss the Seattle SuperSonics? The LA Rams? How about moving the Nets from New Jersey to Brooklyn? Some New Jersey residents may miss the Nets, but the general public and basketball fans…Continue Reading The Nets move to Brooklyn: Brand boon or bust?