Why do parents, teachers, politicians, managers and salespeople continue bad practices? Four reasons and the ways we express them are: We do what was done to us and assume it was best practice. “Look at me, I turned out OK didn’t I?” We lack the depth and breadth of relevant education to recognize bad practices….Continue Reading How Sales Management in Pro Sports Can Catch Up to Corporate America
Sales Management: Why Process Trumps Talent

by Flavil Hampsten – June 2014 Which matters more: Process or Talent? That’s an easy one. Process always trumps talent. Before you get upset and start defending how talented your staff is and that you couldn’t generate the numbers that you do without them, imagine how much more productive they would be if you gave…Continue Reading Sales Management: Why Process Trumps Talent
Making Connections: Contact Puts the Ball in Play

by Carson Heady – May 2014 How to sell: Put the ball in play Fundamental to any activity or sport is to put the ball in play. This necessitates action on the part of the participant(s) and begins with how and when we make contact. On the field, it is about formulating strategy, addressing the…Continue Reading Making Connections: Contact Puts the Ball in Play
Three Steps to Creating an Effective Entry-Level Sales Contest

by Brian Norman – August 2013 “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Think about a sales contest you have conducted (or participated in) that was missing something. Perhaps it did not have a specific purpose, was unorganized, anticlimactic, or even ineffective? Rather than using a generic model, create…Continue Reading Three Steps to Creating an Effective Entry-Level Sales Contest
The essential elements of successful sales leadership: Staying ahead of the curve

by Carson Heady – July 2013 Two governing principles Two governing principles drive sales management success: people and process. The right personnel following the right procedures equal success. The numbers will be there. In Vegas the house always wins because it knows and plays the odds. In the same way, we fail when we don’t…Continue Reading The essential elements of successful sales leadership: Staying ahead of the curve
Practice? We talkin’ about practice?

by Bob Hamer – March 2013 “We talkin’ about practice, man.” ~Allen Iverson, May 7, 2002, Allen Iverson, 37, was out of the NBA before the time he reached 34. Kobe Bryant (34) spends his off-season making 2000 shots a day. With a rebounder and one ball Kobe can make 500 shots an hour.1 Former…Continue Reading Practice? We talkin’ about practice?
S3 Board Member Spotlight: Kris Katseanes, FC Dallas

by Travis Martin – January 2013 Kris Katseanes, Vice President of Ticket Sales and Service for FC Dallas, has been an invaluable member of the S3 Advisory Board. Because of Kris’ leadership and willingness to mentor the careers of young people entering the profession, Baylor’s S3 program annually places interns and new employees with FC…Continue Reading S3 Board Member Spotlight: Kris Katseanes, FC Dallas
How to manage the new generation of sellers

by Murray Cohn – January 2013 Part 1 “I want it all. I want it now.” On a recent team visit I met an entry level ticket seller who’d been there two months. He said, “Murray, I am ready to manage my own staff. I know everything I need to learn about ticket sales.” Laughing,…Continue Reading How to manage the new generation of sellers
The five powers of permission

by Dan Rockwell – January 2013 Old style leaders are about giving permission to supplicants. Their followers seek permission. It’s an “I/you” rather than “we” dynamic. Leaders have power and followers must ask.[dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”300px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]”Asking softens a tough request so the other person hears it. Asking signals you want help….Continue Reading The five powers of permission
How to change behaviors of salespeople
by Dan Rockwell – January 2013 As manager, your job is bringing out the best in others by the way you interact with them. Well timed, well executed conversations change people’s lives. Poorly timed, unprepared conversations damage the individual salesperson and the team who interacts with him or her. First: Determine and affirm aspirations and goals….Continue Reading How to change behaviors of salespeople