Tag: salaries

Do you have your P’s in order?

by Kirk Wakefield – January 2018 People. Purpose. Performance. (Pictures.) S3 2018 Board Meeting Paul Epstein challenged the room of executives, managers and students to truly put people first. With over a decade of managerial experience in pro sports, most recently as Director of Sales at the San Francisco 49ers, Paul shared how their sales organization…Continue Reading Do you have your P’s in order?

Students: Finding your Perfect Sports Business Employer

by Brian Norman – January 2015 Students: Finding your Perfect Sports Business Employer It’s your senior year. You’ve been through hundreds of hours of classroom instruction, completed multiple industry internships, and built your network extremely well. You’ve taken advantage of every opportunity. You are ready to jump head first into a full-time position within the…Continue Reading Students: Finding your Perfect Sports Business Employer