Tag: listening

5 Best Practices to Create Loyalty with Corporate Partners

by Lauren Ward – August 2015 Fan loyalty is at the forefront of every team’s objectives.  Loyalty is defined as “having or showing complete and constant support of someone or something.” Teams build loyalty in many ways: social media, events, player appearances and, of course, winning. Season ticket holders are a prime example of fan loyalty. They…Continue Reading 5 Best Practices to Create Loyalty with Corporate Partners

Sponsorship Negotiations: The Power of Nice

by Lynda Carrier-Metz – July 2014 Last year a friend recommended a book titled “The Power of Nice,” suggesting it might help in my negotiations. I was surprised by the title, as most negotiation training involves “sticking to your guns” and overpowering the other side. Ron Shapiro, the author, is a very respected sports agent….Continue Reading Sponsorship Negotiations: The Power of Nice

How can sales & marketing get along?

by Lynn Wittenburg – January 2014 I’m often asked how sales & marketing should work together and if they can. There always seems to be tension between the two in most sports organizations, even though fundamentally they should be integrated. Since I spent eight years selling tickets before crossing over into the world of marketing,…Continue Reading How can sales & marketing get along?

Are you coachable?

by Jason Fortune – September 2013 Simple question, one would think. When we ask ourselves if we are coachable, most of us would say,  “Absolutely I am.” But let’s dig a little deeper. Would your manager say you are coachable? If so, you will do four things. 1. Be Open Minded. Simple questions you should ask…Continue Reading Are you coachable?

The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple

by Carson Heady – April 2013 Sales is a psychology; a profitable sport by which we engage clients, build relationships and seek the perfect balance for the holy sales trinity: customer, company and you.  Without all of these entities in mind, the transaction and stability suffers. [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]…Continue Reading The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple