Category: S3 Spotlight

S3 Board Member Spotlight: Kris Katseanes, FC Dallas

by Travis Martin – January 2013 Kris Katseanes, Vice President of Ticket Sales and Service for FC Dallas, has been an invaluable member of the S3 Advisory Board. Because of Kris’ leadership and willingness to mentor the careers of young people entering the profession, Baylor’s S3 program annually places interns and new employees with FC…Continue Reading S3 Board Member Spotlight: Kris Katseanes, FC Dallas

S3 Alumni Spotlight: Jay Kinderknecht, Order My Gear

by Blake Cargill – January 2013 [/dropshadowbox] Transitioning from college into the work force always poses challenges and growing from them is necessary for success. Jay Kinderknecht (S3, ’12) first interned with the New York Mets following his junior year in the S3 program at Baylor. “It was great getting exposure to several areas of the…Continue Reading S3 Alumni Spotlight: Jay Kinderknecht, Order My Gear

The Chevrolet S3 2012 Awards

by Kirk Wakefield – October 2012 Thanks to Chevrolet and S3 Board Members Dave Nottoli, Steve Flynn, and Jeff Busch, the 2012 S3 Board Meeting marked the first year of the S3 Awards for Outstanding Board Members (Corporate & Team), Outstanding S3 Alum, and Outstanding S3 Writer. Selections were based on those who exemplify the…Continue Reading The Chevrolet S3 2012 Awards