Tag: Seahawks

Why Stadium Connectivity Presents the Best Sponsorship Opportunity for Teams & Corporations

by Angelina Lawton – January 2015 The second screen in sports The ongoing conversation is how to integrate the second screen into the sports industry. More and more, fans spurn attending games to watch events from the comfort of their own homes. As teams and leagues seek to increase  revenue, the time has come to fully…Continue Reading Why Stadium Connectivity Presents the Best Sponsorship Opportunity for Teams & Corporations

Richard Sherman, The Craziest Player at the Super Bowl?

by Deven Nongbri – January 2014 We’re all probably a bit tired about hearing of Richard Sherman and his outburst in the NFC Championship  game. His seemingly angry rant rankled a lot of folks and stirred endless debate both online and offline. But let’s look at what he did. httpv://youtube.com/watch?v=K7n7PiwYKag Did he curse?  No. Was…Continue Reading Richard Sherman, The Craziest Player at the Super Bowl?