Tag: management

Top 10 Ways to Inspire Others (and succeed in the business of sports)

by Frank Miceli – November 2013 Growing up in south Philly Growing up in Philadelphia a block away from the sports complex I always dreamed of someday working for the Philadelphia Flyers. As a 16-year old I was inspired by the story of Ed Snider after reading a magazine article about him and his business philosophy.  I…Continue Reading Top 10 Ways to Inspire Others (and succeed in the business of sports)

Dealing with frustration in sales

by Dan Rockwell – August 2013 The way you deal with today’s frustration reflects the leader or the salesperson you’ll become tomorrow. Frustration is an alarm clock; a spotlight pointing: a match burned too long. Frustration is a gift that says pay attention. Don’t get frustrated with frustration. Frustration is feedback on decisions and relationships. Frustration’s goal The…Continue Reading Dealing with frustration in sales

S3 Board Member Spotlight: Kris Katseanes, FC Dallas

by Travis Martin – January 2013 Kris Katseanes, Vice President of Ticket Sales and Service for FC Dallas, has been an invaluable member of the S3 Advisory Board. Because of Kris’ leadership and willingness to mentor the careers of young people entering the profession, Baylor’s S3 program annually places interns and new employees with FC…Continue Reading S3 Board Member Spotlight: Kris Katseanes, FC Dallas