Category: Luxury Suites & Premium Tickets

Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

by Lynn Wittenburg – August 2013 I got this headline “Market Like a Rock Star” in an email after I read the book Radical Marketing. They were trying to sell me a book about the Grateful Dead. No sale, but it caught my attention. What if I really did market like a rock star? What would…Continue Reading Market (Sell) Like a Rock Star!

The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple

by Carson Heady – April 2013 Sales is a psychology; a profitable sport by which we engage clients, build relationships and seek the perfect balance for the holy sales trinity: customer, company and you.  Without all of these entities in mind, the transaction and stability suffers. [dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”250px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]…Continue Reading The Sales Commandments According to This Disciple