Category: Lead

The five powers of permission

by Dan Rockwell – January 2013 Old style leaders are about giving permission to supplicants. Their followers seek permission. It’s an “I/you” rather than “we” dynamic. Leaders have power and followers must ask.[dropshadowbox align=”right” effect=”lifted-both” width=”300px” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]”Asking softens a tough request so the other person hears it. Asking signals you want help….Continue Reading The five powers of permission

How to change behaviors of salespeople

by Dan Rockwell – January 2013 As manager, your job is bringing out the best in others by the way you interact with them. Well timed, well executed conversations change people’s lives. Poorly timed, unprepared conversations damage the individual salesperson and the team who interacts with him or her. First: Determine and affirm aspirations and goals….Continue Reading How to change behaviors of salespeople

Learning how to lead: Helping

by Dan Rockwell – January 2013 How can I help? New leaders find giving help easier than receiving help but receiving is necessary. Supporting others earns promotions. Receiving help expands impact and maximizes the talents of others. Doug Conant, author and former CEO of Campbell’s Soup, has a leadership model that centers around the question,…Continue Reading Learning how to lead: Helping

The Chevrolet S3 2012 Awards

by Kirk Wakefield – October 2012 Thanks to Chevrolet and S3 Board Members Dave Nottoli, Steve Flynn, and Jeff Busch, the 2012 S3 Board Meeting marked the first year of the S3 Awards for Outstanding Board Members (Corporate & Team), Outstanding S3 Alum, and Outstanding S3 Writer. Selections were based on those who exemplify the…Continue Reading The Chevrolet S3 2012 Awards