Tag: search

How Academic & Professional Partnerships Work: Baylor S3 Pro Day

by Kirk Wakefield – November 2016 If we, will you? In 2003, the Baylor Sports Sponsorship & Sales (S3) program began the day we walked into the San Antonio Spurs offices and asked Russ Bookbinder, “If we did this, would you help?” Darryl Lehnus and I then set out to every other team in Texas…Continue Reading How Academic & Professional Partnerships Work: Baylor S3 Pro Day

Can social media make or break interview chances?

by Jeannette Salas – April 2013 Social Media, Networking, Common 1st Year Mistakes, and Tips for Success Social media shows up in the most unusual places Employers frequently search candidates on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked In, and blogs to see what they find.  Maybe they find a cute picture of your dog (Griffie, above). Or…Continue Reading Can social media make or break interview chances?