Tag: blog

How did the S3 Report grow over 400% in 4 months?

by Kirk Wakefield – June 2013 Thanks to you, the growth in readership and membership at the S3 Report has been exceptional. Let’s start with who we are and then how we’ve grown. Who are we? The S3 Report launched in January 2013 with a following of no more than 75 members of our S3…Continue Reading How did the S3 Report grow over 400% in 4 months?

Top 20 Tips for Blogging and Writing Good

by Kirk Wakefield – April 2013 Why you should be blogging Your profile picture may be ridiciously good looking and you may already write good like Derek Zoolander. But why should you write anything for others to read? Because you have something to say–and if you work for a team you have a built in…Continue Reading Top 20 Tips for Blogging and Writing Good