Classroom Doc Cam?

Q: Old Main 185 does not have a document camera, any chance we can get one?

A: Sure, we can look into this. Our full-featured doc-cam is the Wolfvision VZ-3
wolfvision vz3Its installation can prompt a huge re-wiring of the room – which takes some time to plan. OMAIN 185 is scheduled for an upgrade in summer 2017; we will see if we can move that up a year.

Most of our rooms have doc cams, but for those which do not, a quick option is to purchase a portable USB webcam. The $100 Ziggi  HD-Plus is a pretty low-end product, but may work for you.
We are glad to address any classroom need – Contact us.

Class Computer Updates

It is frustrating to login to a classroom computer and be confronted with numerous updates.  All classroom computers should get Windows updates “behind the scenes” continually.  (If not, please let us know – this is important.)

Other software updates (Acrobat, Java, browsers, etc.) crop up occasionally and may be ignored or installed when time permits. Just say no when teaching.

Call (254) 307-1614 for immediate classroom tech assistance (or to report pesky computers).

Morrison 100 Whiteboards

A recent survey of Morrison 100 identified several needs, some which may be addressed rapidly: fresh paint, remove clutter and broken furniture, improve storage, request consistent seating, and improve whiteboard use when screen in down, and other suggestions which will take some time, if feasible: automatic shades, soundproofing, renovating the student tables.

We can forward your wishes regarding improvements to this room – please comment!

Specific to the WHITEBOARD being covered by the SCREEN – eventually, the screen will transition to a “wide format” and reveal some whiteboard below the bottom edge, but not much.  Please view the room animation below … assuming the front clutter is removed … is this better?

  1. Does ADDING whiteboard to the LEFT help? (behind the podium)
  2. Is more whiteboard needed on the RIGHT or is that side OK?
  3. Does anyone need the Periodic Table?  If so, may it be raised?
  4. Other thoughts?

Thanks for keeping the conversation going.


Draper 152

Draper 116 p

Let’s face it, Draper 152 (previously 116) needs some love. Over a thousand students sat in these seats in the 2014-15 year while twenty professors conveyed knowledge.  How might this room be improved to enhance academic excellence?  Does the technology suffice?  How is the ingress/egress?  How are the seats?  Is a collaborative environment desired (or possible) in larger rooms?  Would swiveling seats help?  Do you need more stage space, more whiteboards, improved lighting control, another exit door, fresh paint …

Don’t let me lead you, or make any promises, but what do you recommend to improve Draper 116 152 for the upcoming years?

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Please report, or ask your office staff to report, maintenance or technology issues in any classroom!

Morrison Hall 100


Tiered tables with extra floor seating – what is the good, the bad, and what “really needs work” in Morrison 100?  Not many rooms can handle 170+ seats, especially with tables, what do you suggest to make the space more effective and modern?

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Please report, or ask your office staff to report, maintenance or technology issues in any classroom!

Classrooms … in general

consoleA&S professors teach in over 300 classrooms, most with robust presentation technology. We believe every room is 100% fully functional – if not, please let us know, you are our eyes and ears. Ask your office staff to contact us, if necessary.

Immediate help is available by calling Classroom Technology at 254-307-1614 – a technician will answer and can often solve issues over the phone.

Feel free to contact the A&S tech staff for training, to suggest rooms needing technology, to ask questions or to offer suggestions.

You may Expect Excellence.