Reflection of Baylor sign against building spire.

Reflections and Insights

by Jill Anderson This past school year working with school leaders and educators from Texas and around the globe has been encouraging and inspiring to our team as we hear your incredible stories. Our blog, Baylor Center for School Leadership (BCSL) Insights, is a window into the world of our expert educators who authored most of the articles published. To encourage you as you enjoy summer and think about the school year ahead, we wanted […]

Students carrying different cultural flags in Baylor's Homecoming Parade.

In Pursuit of Paul’s “I Became”

By Dr. Joel Hazard The apostle Paul’s ultimate goal was to guide individuals toward embracing faith in Christ by engaging with them on their own terms and making the message relatable. In 1 Corinthians 9:20-23, Paul outlines his strategic approach to evangelism, emphasizing the importance of adapting to diverse audiences. He simply became. “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22 NIV). […]

Hopeful Leadership: Our Most Important Calling

By: Christopher Rutz In 1985 Marty McFly broke the time/space continuum and traveled back to 1955 and revealed a world so inconceivable to Doc Brown that he could scarcely believe such oddities like Ronald Reagan – the actor – was president of the United States. Of course, time travelers from this era of politics would say, “Ronald Reagan? Ha, that’s nothing, wait until 2016!” Now we are approaching 40 years after Back to the Future’s […]

Chocolate Milkshakes. Four Ways to Better Understand Love in Education

By: Dr. Chris Hobbs It’s the last day of February! The month of Valentine’s Day, and as Charles Schultz, creator of Charlie Brown, famously quipped – ‘all you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.’ My wife and I have developed a new dating tradition of jumping in the car after dinner during a busy week, and burying our stress at a local Freddy’s where I have discovered an amazing […]

Heavy is the Head That Wears the Crown

By: Sahira Kodra Looking back at the past few years the one word that comes to mind is heavy. The issues Christians and teachers are facing feel monumentous. Many leaders are reminded of the William Shakespheare play that created the idiom “heavy is the head that wears the crown.” We often hear about the burden and difficulties of being a leader. When I applied for the Master’s of School Leadership program, many of my friends […]