This spring, our MA Fellows in the School Leadership program will share blog posts about their coursework and learning journey. Interested in becoming part of a future cohort? Connect with us here. By: Leslie Niessner There is no amount of schooling that can quite prepare you for the unrefined sounds that drift down the hall from a middle school band room during the first month of school. Over the years, fellow teachers and front office staff […]
Where did the Joy go?
Students find Joy in Giving vs. Receiving This spring, our MA Fellows in the School Leadership program will share blog posts about their coursework and learning journey. Interested in becoming part of a future cohort? Connect with us here. By: MaKenzie E. Talbert From my earliest school memory, I can honestly say that I felt joy at school, and it’s that joy that carried me into the profession. At the time, I didn’t question my experience; […]
We’re Gonna Try with a Little Help from Our Friends
Since November, we have shared stories of school teams who confronted Adaptive Challenges through the Baylor Center for School Leadership’s (BCSL) Catalytic Improvement Community process. Our previous features highlighted the transformative work at Robinson Elementary, Grace Prep, NorthStar Academy, and Trinity Christian School. Today, we present the work of Ben Dirksen and his team from Pella Christian School in Pella, IA. If you’re facing an adaptive challenge and seeking meaningful change, we invite you to […]
2024: The Year of The Turtle
By: Erik Ellefsen and Sahira Kodra In education, we often hear about the “crab bucket culture” – where success is met with pulling others down. But at the BCSL, we’ve embraced a different mascot: the stronger sea turtles who at hatching help others to hatch and get into the ocean safely. Throughout 2024, we’ve witnessed how this simple metaphor has helped us be an encouragement to the educational communities worldwide that are creating ripples of […]
Retaining Our Unicorns
Leaning in to supporting new teachers through mentorship Since November, we have shared stories of school teams who confronted Adaptive Challenges through the Baylor Center for School Leadership’s (BCSL) Catalytic Improvement Community process. Our previous features highlighted the transformative work at Robinson Elementary, Grace Prep and NorthStar Academy,. Today, we present the work of Dr. Kimberly Miller and Trinity Christian School in Fairfax, VA. If you’re facing an adaptive challenge and seeking meaningful change, we […]