Faith Formation: Head, Hands and Heart

By: Theodore Cockle What do you think of when I say, “faith formation”? If you’re like most, you think about moving from a place of less faith to a place of more faith. You may even picture a line trending upwards that connects these two points. The question then becomes, how do we help people—in our case students—move from point A (less faith) to point B (more faith)? Using education words, what interventions lead to […]

The Climb

By: Kevin Broene What is the goal of a coach? Is it to win? When the team you’re cheering for loses, how often have you heard those around you grumble, “The coach doesn’t know what he (or she) is doing”? (Perhaps you’d even admit to having those thoughts yourself.)  But should winning be a coach’s ultimate goal? Is that the barometer for success? A quick survey of sport culture might indicate it is–a coach with […]

School Research from a Christian Research 1 University Perspective

By: Jon Eckert What does it mean to be the only protestant Christian Research 1 university in the world? As an unambiguously Christian university, we can ground all our work in the confident humility (Grant, 2021) that comes from knowing that as Augustine asserted “All truth is God’s truth.” This means we can pursue truth without fear from all different disciplinary perspectives. In 1994, Mark Noll wrote, “The scandal of the evangelical mind is that […]

Making Your New Place of Work Feel Like Home

CASA: A Framework for Making Your New Place of Work Feel Like Home

I do have a framework that can keep you focused and patient while you are going through the process of learning every detail over again about your new job (how do I sign in again?) and developing relationships with your new colleagues (what’s your name again?). This framework has now provided me focus, comfort, and patience in two very large professional transitions in the past 7 years.

Baylor University Center for School Leadership

Catalysts: An Introduction to the Center Fellows

By Erik Ellefsen, Director of Networks and Improvement In Jon Eckert’s video on Catalytic Leadership, he makes the important point that this type of sustainable leadership is his greatest hope for our work as educators in schools. He states that a catalyst: Is about the good work, Accelerates the good work, and Speeds up that good work without being used up. You can watch the video here to get a taste of how schools are changing the […]