What We Stand to Gain…and Lose

Remembering why we fight a countercultural battle for diversity By Jenny Brady Our country is currently entrenched in a heated debate on the merits of diversity initiatives. I will not say the debate is unwarranted given the extreme mindsets that exist on both sides of the aisle. But while the world debates the who, how, and when of diversity work, I find myself repeatedly wanting to remind both sides of the why. Too many of […]

Productive Resistance: What To Do When Your Good Idea Becomes a Headache for Others

By Anna Bryan The Good Idea At the beginning of September last year, I wrote an encouragement for school leaders seeking tangible action steps for maximizing commitment toward change during one of the most critical seasons of our school year. At this point, most of us are about a month into the school year and our change initiatives are in full swing. We spent the summer analyzing data and stakeholder feedback, setting purpose-driven goals related […]