Welcome, Shuxuan!

Welcome, Shuxuan!

The Taube Lab is very excited to warmly welcome our newest addition: Shuxuan Song! She rotated with us at the beginning of the semester and left a wonderful impression. She is a first year PhD student coming to us from China, and has a rich history in medicine. We are...
Kelsey and Keighley present at SABCS

Kelsey and Keighley present at SABCS

SABCS (San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium) was a valuable experience, getting the chance to interact with clinicians, translational researchers, and basic scientists. Keighley and Kelsey both presented on the third day of the nearly-week-long conference, but at...
Taube Lab has landed @ SABCS!

Taube Lab has landed @ SABCS!

The Taube Lab (Dr. Taube, Kelsey, and Keighley) have all made it safely to the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. It’s an amazing, huge, international conference where scientists and physicians from all angles of breast cancer meet to learn from and discuss with...
SABCS 2018

SABCS 2018

We are excited for the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 12/4-8/2018 where both our doctoral students, Keighley and Kelsey, will be presenting their research. Keighley’s abstract on cancer stem cell sensitization to treatment with small-molecules has been...
Race for the Cure

Race for the Cure

The Taube Lab is proud to support Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure this year, being held in Waco! If you’d like to join our team, or support the cause, follow this link! We are thankful for your support!