Matt Brantley is a third year graduate student and PhD candidate. Matt joined the Solouki lab in the fall of 2014. He is pursuing his PhD in Analytical Chemistry. He completed his undergraduate degree in Chemistry at the University of Texas at Tyler. He is originally from Latexo, Texas.
Research Summary:
“My research focuses primarily on instrument development, but I have strong interests in using mass spectrometry as a tool to assist other researches in solving chemical problems. Having a background in software engineering, I am interested to see how computers can be used to improve analysis techniques. Recently we have published work developing software for the deconvolution of overlapped isomers in Ion Mobility. My current work is with the improvement of Radio Frequency Ionization Sources, detection and quantification of pesticides in Chinese herbal medicines, Kendrick Analysis of biofuel producing algae, and novel mass spectrometry imaging approaches.”
1. Lu, W., Zekavat, B., Olaitan, A. D., Brantley, M., Erdogan, D., Ozensoy, E., Solouki, T. “Real-time Monitoring of Nitric Oxide Catalysis Products with an Online Cryofocuser/Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer” (Manuscript in Preparation)
2. Pettit, M., Harper, B., Brantley, M., Solouki, T. “Collision-Energy Resolved Ion Mobility Characterization of Isomeric Mixtures” Analyst 2015, Accepted for Publication.
3. Brantley, M., Zekavat, B., Harper, B., Mason, R., Solouki, T. “Automated Deconvolution of Overlapped Ion Mobility Profiles.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2014, 25(10) 1810-9.
Oral Presentations:
1. Olaitan, D.; Brantley, M.; Lantz, C.; Solouki, T. “Radio Frequency Ionization Desorption of Silicon Insulating Sleeves” 2015 Chemistry and Biochemistry Undergraduate Research Symposium, Waco, TX, 2015.
2. Sieker, J.; Brantley, M.; Chang, J.; Solouki, T.; Kim, S. “The Influence of Variable Light Condition on the Nitrogen-Starvation Stress Reaction of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii” Undergraduate Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry Symposium, Waco, TX, 2015.
3. Brown, B.; Harper, B.; Brantley, M.; Pettit, M.; Solouki, T. “Utilizing Ion Mobility Profiles for Rapid Identification of Co-eluting Multiple Conformers and Structural Isomers” Undergraduate Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry Symposium, Waco, TX, 2015.
4. Brantley, M.; Zekavat, B.; Harper, B.; Olaitan, A. D.; Mason, R.; Solouki, T. “Developing Custom-Designed Automated Computer Software for High-Throughput Chemometric Analysis of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility Data” Rice Department of Chemistry Regional Undergraduate Chemistry Symposium, Houston, TX, October 26, 2013.
Poster Presentations:
1. Anthony, I. G. M.; Brantley, M. R.; Floyd, A. R.; Olaitan, A. D., Erdogan, D. A.; Özensoy, E.; Solouki T. “Unambiguous Identification of Reaction Products from Conversion of Nitric Oxide over Novel Photocatalyst Surfaces” Proceedings of the 64th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Antonio, TX, 2016.
2. Olaitan, A. D.; Zekavat, B.; Brantley, M.;, Solouki, T. “Performance Characterization of a Unique Radio-Frequency Ionization Source” 63nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, St. Louis, MO, June 1st, 2015
3. Brantley, M.; Olaitan, A. D.; Solouki, T. “Laser Desorption-Radio Frequency Ionization (LD-RFI)” 63nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, St. Louis, MO, June 2nd, 2015
4. Brantley, M.; Zekavat, B.; Olaitan, A. D.; Solouki, T. “Inexpensive, Programmable, and Modular Radio-Frequency Power Supplies for Mass Spectrometers” Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2015.
5. Pettit, M. E.; Harper, B.; Brantley, M. ; Solouki, T. “Collision-Energy Resolved Ion Mobility Deconvolution of a Ternary Isomeric Mixture” Pittsburgh Conference, 2015, New Orleans, LA.
6. Harper, B.; Brantley, M.; Pettit, M.; Solouki, T. “Automated Collision Cross Section Calculation for Traveling Wave Ion Mobility Spectrometry Instruments” Proceedings of the 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, 2014, Baltimore, MD.
7. Harper, B.; Zekavat, B.; Brantley, M.; Pettit, M.; Solouki, T. “Energy Resolved Ion Mobility Deconvolution of Isobaric Compounds” Proceedings of the 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Baltimore, MD, 2014.
8. Zekavat, B.; Harper, B.; Brantley, M.; Pettit, M.; Solouki. T. “Use of Multivariate Curve Resolution and Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry for Isomer Differentiation” 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Baltimore, MD, June 18th, 2014.
9. Brantley, M.; Hazlerig, J.; Boyd, L.; Smee, J. “UT Tyler ACS Student Chapter”247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Dallas, TX, March 17th, 2014.
10. Brantley, M.; Zekavat, B; Harper, B; Olaitan, A. D.; Solouki, T. “Developing Custom-Designed Automated Computer Software For High-throughput Chemometric Analysis of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility Data” Baylor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program Seminar, Dallas, TX, August 8, 2013.
11. Brantley, M.; Zekavat, B.; Harper, B.; Olaitan, A. D.; Solouki, T. “Developing Custom-Designed Automated Computer Software for High-Throughput Chemometric Analysis of Mass and Ion Mobility Spectrometry Data” 69th Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Waco, TX, November 19, 2013.