This workshop draws from recent work in cognitive science, musicology, and practical theology to present a framework for determining why we should repeat, what we should repeat, and how we should repeat when leading music in

This workshop draws from recent work in cognitive science, musicology, and practical theology to present a framework for determining why we should repeat, what we should repeat, and how we should repeat when leading music in
Music is an “indispensable” aspect of Protestant Christian worship, to use Brian Wren’s term (2000, 48). Yet it is also perceived as one of the most divisive aspects of that activity, with scholars, practitioners, and congregants alike contributing to this perspective. As scholars such as Donald Hustad (1993), Harold Best (1993, 2003), J. Nathan Corbitt (1998), Brian Wren (2000), James K. A. Smith (2009) and Jeremy S. Begbie…
Each local congregation has its own unique history, geographical and social location, demographic makeup, and mission. As ministers of music, we need to understand each of…
The objective of this session is to examine the congregational song of a single, local evangelical church whose congregation numbers between…
In this presentation Dr. Monique Ingalls discusses ideas of performance in church music. As an ethnomusicologist, Dr. Ingalls presents on her findings through research and studies of various worship cultures.
Isaac Wardell, the Creative Director and Founder of Bifrost Arts and the Director of Worship at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, Virginia, speaks on five practices of worship.
Dr. I-to Loh is Adjunct Professor of Worship, Church Music, and Ethnomusicology at Tainan Theological College and Seminary, Taiwan Theological College and Seminary…
Dr. Hawn takes Baylor students on a tour of worship in various countries throughout the world.