Description: Have you ever considered not including a song in your church gathering because of the artist who wrote it? If not, you know someone who has! With controversies and differing theologies, worship pastors have struggled with whether to plan songs by specific...
Music Ministry Planning
Jake Mulder – The Implications of Song Selection (2021 Alleluia Conference)
Our research reveals today’s young people are drawn to churches that take Jesus’ message seriously. This session will unpack what that means and the implications for how we select songs, plan our liturgy, and consider holistic faith formation for all generations.
Randall Bradley – Leading Through Difficulty-My Go-To Practices (2021 Alleluia Conference)
When leading through difficult times, it is important to have time-tested practices to which we can turn. The COVID-19 pandemic has tested all of us in ways in which our old maps have not sufficed. Having also dealt with the death of my wife during the same time period, these practices have become even more important.
Jon Snyder & Breck McGough – Choral Songs and Choirs
Join doctoral students Jon Snyder and Breck McGough as they present their research related to choirs and choral music.
Sandy Knudson – The Engaging Choral Classroom: Choral Lesson Planning
The clinician will outline successful choral lesson plans that engage young singers. Many conductors want help with how to teach a piece and how to plan a rehearsal. This session will give many ideas for the creative use of solfege, teaching strategies, pacing, kinesthetic involvement, and musicianship training based on repertoire.
Monique Ingalls – ‘Tis Pleasant to Repeat! The Art and Science of Repetition in Musical Worship
This workshop draws from recent work in cognitive science, musicology, and practical theology to present a framework for determining why we should repeat, what we should repeat, and how we should repeat when leading music in
Panel Discussion – Making the Most of Time: Time Management Tips for Busy Ministers (2019 Alleluia Conference)
There truly does not seem to be enough time in the day to accomplish all that we feel is required of us. This panel discussion will provide helpful tips and organizational tools for effective ministry.
Randy Edwards – Sailing New Seas of Deep Opportunity (2019 Alleluia Conference)
This will be the most radical of our three sessions. It is based upon YouthCUE’s observation that many church musicians are, in fact, serving congregations which actively torpedo the growth of youth choir ministries.
Randall Bradley – Building Community through Rehearsals (2019 Alleluia Conference)
We are responsible for creating a hospitable environment in our church choirs. This session will examine strategies for fostering a communal environment in any setting involving choral music. Vulnerability, trust
Panel Discussion – Keeping Worship Planning Fresh: My Best Ideas (2019 Alleluia Conference)
Join a panel of worship planners as they share their best ideas for planning vibrant and meaningful services, maintaining inspired planning and avoiding listlessness.
David Music – Creative Ideas for Worship (2015 Alleluia Conference)
This session will explore different approaches to scripture reading, congregational singing, and other worship elements that will provide variety and…
Allan Aunspaugh – Hosting Composers in Your Church (2015 Alleluia Conference)
Have you ever thought about having a composer at your church for an event? In this session we…
Randall Bradley – A Ten Year Look Back (2015 Alleluia Conference)
My book From Postlude to Prelude was published ten years ago, and a new edition is fresh off the press in time…
Joel Winters – Moving Beyond the Transition (2015 Alleluia Conference)
In this session we will discuss ways of keeping the styles of music and art eclectic without compromising the faithfulness of the church’s worship. We will also discuss nuts and bolts…
Joel Winters – Living in the Transition (2015 Alleluia Conference)
In this session will deal with building the right worship team for your church’s context, choosing the right keys and instrumentation, weathering the storms of criticism, and…
Joel Winters – Beginning a Transition (2015 Alleluia Conference)
This session will deal with how to prepare, equip, and lead a church into the beginning stages of transitioning to a new worship model. We will discuss the…
John Parker – How to Start a Fine Arts Academy (2015 Alleluia Conference)
Learning how to impact your community through fine arts instruction in your church. Reach many for Christ through the arts
Randy Kilpatrick – Innovative Scripture Reading (2015 Alleluia Conference)
Innovative approaches to inclusion of Biblical texts in worship services will be discussed. Why not make the expression of the Word of God the most interesting part of your worship service?
Constance Cherry – Encountering God Through Song (2014 Alleluia Conference)
Participants will discover the importance of evaluating musical choices for congregational song to ensure theological, musical, and lyrical integrity….
Constance Cherry – Designing Services for Encountering God (2014 Alleluia Conference)
Comparing the work of a worship leader to that of an architect, this session offers a blueprint for designing worship services through various phases…
David Bolin – How Shall We Sing This (2014 Alleluia Conference)
This session will offer information on how to select accompaniments that fit your congregation’s voice and…
Randall Bradley – Intergenerational Worship: Why It’s Worth It (2014 Alleluia Conference)
While many churches have opted for segregating worshipers into age groups (children’s worship, youth…
Tim Allen – The Liturgical Year beyond Christmas and Easter (2013 Alleluia Conference)
The different liturgical seasons open up opportunities for inventive choices of organ music. We will…
Vern Sanders – How to Successfully Integrate a Variety of Musical Styles in Worship (2013 Alleluia Conference)
Can your worship service actually have both “traditional” and “contemporary” music? It is not an impossible task. Vern will give you the 5 things you need to consider, and…
Vern Sanders – Top 10 Tips to Survive a Leadership or Style Change (2013 Alleluia Conference)
Vern shares from his many years of experience the Top 10 things you need to know to do ministry better in any circumstance.
Chuck Bridwell – Growing Your Choir and Publicizing Your Programs (2012 Alleluia Conference)
Ideas will be presented on strategies to increase your choir enrollment and keeping your members active in…
Randall Bradley – Creating Worship that Flows (2011 Alleluia Conference)
Worship transitions can be artistic, thoughtful, and well intentioned. This session will offer practical suggestions…
Danny Ingram – Creative Approaches to Grow and Maintain a Full-time Ministry (2011 Alleluia Conference)
Ideas on developing and training volunteers along with the other day-to-day tasks of the music minister. Staff relations, budgets, service planning, recruiting and growing…
Chris Pillsbury – Putting Your Ministry on the Internet (2010 Alleluia Conference)
Do the words YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter raise your anxiety level? Ever wanted to post a video from your church on the internet?
Tim Studstill – This is My Story, This is My Song (2010 Alleluia Conference)
A discussion with music ministers who have given a lifetime to the ministry of music and leading people in worship. This session will help the bivocational and smaller church music minister develop a plan for longevity in ministry.
Tim Studstill – O For a Dozen Tongues to Sing (2010 Alleluia Conference)
Learning techniques to help smaller choirs sings well and enjoy an exciting and fulfilling ministry in the church today.
Tim Studstill – The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men (2010 Alleluia Conference)
A discussion of worship planning tools and how they can help the bivocational or smaller church musician’s plans stay on target or go awry.
Emily Snider – An Introduction to the Church Year (2010 Alleluia Conference)
This session is brief survey of the liturgical calendar. Many churches celebrate Christmas and Easter, but the church’s rich history provides year-round opportunities to emphasize almost every aspect of our faith.
Susan Deal – Fall 2009 – Church Music Forum
Susan Deal is the minister of music at College Park Baptist Church in Orlando Florida. In this session she walks students through a recent worship service at her church.
Randall Bradley – Music Ministry Team Building (2009 Alleluia Conference)
Building a Music Ministry Team Involving other leadership is vital to healthy music and worship ministry. How do you…
David Toledo – Developing Student Leaders (2009 Alleluia Conference)
There are tremendous opportunities for leadership development within the church’s music ministry to students. We will examine several methods of leadership development and…