Jerry Blackstone – Working with Male Voices (2013 Alleluia Conference)
How can I get that motley crew of fellows to sound elegant, beautiful, communicative, IN TUNE…
How can I get that motley crew of fellows to sound elegant, beautiful, communicative, IN TUNE…
Semi-sage advice from an Aging Conductor.
The different liturgical seasons open up opportunities for inventive choices of organ music. We will…
Nothing captures the imagination of children like games and dances. This session will introduce a variety of singing…
The session will explore practical ways to use children’s instruments with congregational songs both for children’s learning…
Rehearsals are where the action takes place; where improvisation, based on knowledge and imagination, leads to..
Why are some performances gripping and others just good? What is the role of risk in the life of the…
The Thursday Worship Service of Alleluia 2013. The service was led by Eric Mathis on piano, Matt Snowden as preacher, Tim Allen on the organ, and a…
This session will explore a number techniques for handbell players and how they can improve playing levels.
This session will address the opportunities for handbells outside of preludes. Bill will explore creative ideas for incorporating handbells in worship.
Description: Songs and instrumental melodies will be learned and explored using unpitched percussion and Orff instruments in these three sessions.
Songs and instrumental melodies will be learned and explored using unpitched percussion and Orff instruments in these three sessions.
Songs and instrumental melodies will be learned and explored using unpitched percussion and Orff instruments in these three sessions.
Does your sound system work for you? Is your sound system ready to be replaced? Do you have components that don’t work or are too complicated…
Exploring some simple strategies for creating your own piano arrangements. Includes a section on transitions and modulations.
A session during which we can encounter, share and play some different organ literature….
This class will examine two recent choral cycles (texts by Terry York) that connect the gospel to a number of the social issues of our day. One is in the context and language of the church assembled.
It is impossible to separate the worship leader from worship leadership. Our words, our non-verbal communication, and…
The service was led by Eric Mathis on piano, Matt Snowden as preacher, Tim Allen on the organ, and a team of Baylor church music students. This service featured a time for lamentation.
Joe Martin leads conferees in a piano masterclass.
Hymns, anthems, songs, and games for Advent and Christmas will be presented in order of ability level in these sessions.
But we don’t want you to be and that’s why we are here! Get a head start on having the best choir year ever, as we look at materials available to us, and set some…
The phrase – “I open my mouth, and a song just comes out.” In this session we will look at a variety of songs from a variety of sources-and, hopefully, gather around…
So we are told, and perhaps we should pay attention. In this session we will re-visit some “golden oldies” and give you help in finding them (they might even be in…
If you are starting from scratch, or trying to “fix it,” we will look at a dictionary for choir workers–not talking about a list of musical terms and definitions, but terms…
Can your worship service actually have both “traditional” and “contemporary” music? It is not an impossible task. Vern will give you the 5 things you need to consider, and…
An informal question/answer session for you to ask Joel any questions you like on composing, arranging and publishing.
This session will focus on ways to engage children and encourage good singing skills. Learn some tips for keeping children focused…
What does a pianist do when confronted by more than one keyboard, ranks of stops and an insistence that “only….
A session answering questions about accompaniment at the organ. The art of organ accompaniment involves….
Perhaps no church leader holds as much power to impact, shape, and form the congregation as the worship leader. This…
The recognition, appreciation, and creation of beauty make a radical difference for the good in the lives of today’s students. Alas, the world has become so “functional” and…
When we follow the call of God to minister, it is easy for us to slide into the trap of feeling not only empowered but also entitled. Ministers in general and musicians in particular…
How does the worship leader preserve the past and make it accessible for the present and future while…
This session will address some common vocal problems and ways to prevent or remedy them, and will address the basics of breath management in singing as an important foundation for healthy voice technique.
The music of the church will always be with us – the people of God will continue to sing throughout eternity. What does…
The Tuesday Worship Service of Alleluia 2013 which opened the conference. The service was led by Randall Bradley with Joseph Martin on the piano, Tim Allen on the organ, and a vocal team of Baylor students.
Participants will learn songs and ideas for teaching children in grades K-2. Activities will include singing games, songs with movement, and ideas for successful sequencing of the lessons.
Hymns, anthems, songs, and games for Advent and Christmas will be presented in order of ability level in these sessions.
Rounds and canons can provide an excellent start for rehearsals and special events, such as Vacation Bible School. Julie Scott will…
Vern shares from his many years of experience the Top 10 things you need to know to do ministry better in any circumstance.
Practice tips and exercises to kick your playing up a notch.
The Internet contains a vast amount of organ and choral music in the public domain. In this session we…
An introduction to the English Cathedral musical tradition, its history, its music its choirs and its organs as well as its theology. What can it teach us as church musicians in different settings?
What we sing forms us as Christ followers. How does the combination of music and text shape us, inform…
Worship music that is more traditional in style doesn’t have to be stale and lifeless. Discover some ways and resources to freshen up singing hymns in worship…