Antonio Cano Estrada, Heebe

Stay humble and always keep innovation at the forefront.

Antonio Cano Estrada

Who knew that simply folding paper into a bunch of fun shapes could be the catalyst for an entrepreneurial adventure? So maybe there’s a bit more to origami than just folding paper, but you get the idea. Baylor student Antonio Cano Estrada caught the entrepreneurial bug when he was just nine years old and had the genius idea to sell hand-folded origami animals to his classmates. 

Born in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Antonio’s family moved around a bit with stops in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, and finally settling down in Austin, Texas.  All of that moving didn’t stifle the bug though. In highschool Antonio created a website that helped students buy and sell their personal art, but it was during his senior year when Heebe was born.

During a conversation with a friend, Antonio learned that his friend’s “dream college” was out of reach because of finances. This sat heavy on Antonio’s heart and his wheels were spinning. What needed to happen for his friend’s dream to become a reality? And could Antonio have a hand in making that happen? This was all reminiscent of the folding and refolding of the origami to make the perfect shape. Ideas were all a flutter until Antonio noticed a neighborhood student asking neighbors for work.

That was it! That simple act of asking for work was not only a game changer. It was thee game changer. Antonio was no longer folding and refolding, he was now connecting the dots. Students need money. Students are willing to work for money. Neighbors need things done. Neighbors are willing to pay for services.  There needs to be  a reputable bridge that connects the desire to work with those who need the services.

Antonio worked with friend Luis E. Jaramillo Mosqueda and mentor Mauricio Malpica to create the genius that is now Heebe. In short, Heebe is an app-driven marketplace that connects students who are looking to earn money with members of their community who are looking for someone to provide services such as tutoring, coaching, dog walking/sitting and babysitting. Heebe essentially helps students by providing them with opportunities that get them one step closer to reaching their dreams, while helping the community at the same time.

Antonio brought Heebe with him to Baylor and continues to work on providing the much needed bridge between problem and solution. At Baylor, Antonio is a double major in Entrepreneurship and ProSales. He is a participant in the Entrepreneurship Department’s Oso Launch Program and continues to find ways to make Heebe the best possible bridge possible.

His advice to a student wanting to dabble in the world of entrepreneurship is to stay humble and to always keep innovation at the forefront. He says, “When creating a company or product, you have to be open to new ideas and constructive criticism,”  he continues, “that is the ultimate difference between success and failure.”

Keep on connecting the dots with Heebe, Antonio. #SicEm

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