Robert Torres, 2020 Drayton McLane Jr. Hankamer School of Business Scholarship Recipient


We need to welcome failure as a chance to improve in the future!

-Robert Torres

Like a lot of Baylor students, Robert Torres chose Baylor as his university of choice because he felt a connection to Baylor. There was just something about the people and the faith-based mission that drew Robert to the University. He says, “Baylor just felt like home to me.”

Robert is from Grand Prairie, just about 100 miles north of Waco. So, he had a familiarity with Waco and Baylor. He grew up in a multicultural American and Mexican home, and regularly attended what he refers to as a “charismatic church,” which he credits as an instrumental part of  his childhood.

Robert’s first brush with owning a business came with  a snow cone stand he ran out of his parents’  house. It was a great way to be the boss and earn a little extra cash at the same time. But Robert soon found out that there’s so much more to entrepreneurship than being a boss and making money. By middle school, Robert felt that God was calling him to open his own business with a company that would “transform the community.”

In order to be best prepared to operate a business, Robert chose to study Entrepreneurship at Baylor. He feels the practical application of the in-class, book knowledge is crucial to an understanding of entrepreneurship. He explains that it’s so easy to get bogged down with the potential of failure, but he stresses, “We need to welcome failure as a chance to improve in the future!”

Robert’s determination and tenacity hasn’t gone unnoticed. He was the recipient of the 2020 Drayton McLane Jr. Hankamer School of Business Scholarship, awarded to undergraduate Entrepreneurship majors based on need and merit.

While Robert hasn’t decided on his exact entrepreneurial path just yet, he is looking at his time at Baylor as a way to prepare for his future. For right now, his post-Baylor plans include gaining industry experience in finance and to later build on those practical, hands-on skills to one day owning a business that will make a positive impact on the world.

Keep up the good work, Robert. Leave your mark on the world and make it a better place in green and gold style. Sic ‘em!

For more information on Baylor Entrepreneurship, please visit our website at


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