Tag Archives: Tariffs

The erratic Brazilian trade policy

The recent elections in South America indicate a major change in course for the Southern Cone countries and also for Bolivia. This change is not uniform across countries, and in some cases can be in opposite directions like the cases of Brazil and Argentina. Interestingly, the Brazilian trade policy experienced large changes over time, in part due to balance of payments constraints. Since the 2000s, Brazil did not pay much attention to Mercosur because of its large trade surpluses from the China-induced commodity boom. Nevertheless, the current government in Brazil sees Mercosur as a stumbling block to trade negotiations with other countries. The fundamental question is what are the goals of the current Brazilian trade policy? A key ingredient of any answer to this question is contained in an interesting article by Paulo Roberto Almeida that revisits the history of the Brazilian trade policy. This is a very nice and succinct paper that I recommend to everybody interested in learning more about Brazilian trade policy.

The past of Mercosur (or Mercosul)

The recent presidential elections in South America have raised concerns about the future of Mercosur, or Mercosul for Portuguese speakers. Although it is too early to make any reasonable prediction, it is interesting to note that Mercosur since its inception has been always more than just a trade agreement. This point has been overlooked by many analysts. And perhaps, this is the reason behind the survival of this agreement. An excellent starting point for those interested in learning more about Mercosur is a paper by Paulo Roberto Almeida titled “Regional Integration in Latin America: Historical Developments, Current Challenges, Especially in Mercosur”. This nice paper examines the evolution of the Southern Cone countries’ foreign policies since the early eighties. It goes over the foundation of the Mercosur in 1991 and the conflicts between member countries that that have taken place after 1999.