Meredith Martin specializes in anglophone poetry, historical prosody, historical poetics, poetry and public culture, and disciplinary and pedagogical history. She is the Faculty Director of the Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton, which started under her leadership in 2014. Her book, The Rise and Fall of Meter, Poetry and English National Culture, 1860-1930 (Princeton UP, 2012), was the winner of the MLA Prize for a First Book, the Warren Brooks Prize for Literary Criticism, and co-winner of the Sonya Rudikoff Prize for the Best First Book in Victorian Studies. She has been building and directing, since 2007, the Princeton Prosody Archive, which contains writing on poetics, prosody, rhetoric, grammar, speech, and literary history published between 1570-1923. Princeton graduate student Mary Naydan is the project manager. In 2015, Martin received the Andrew W. Mellon New Directions Fellowship for research on her current book project Before We Were Disciplines: Poetry at the Origin of Language. She is also working on a poetic handbook called The Stories of Poetic Forms and a collection of essays, Prosody as Archive.  She has published articles in Victorian Studies, Victorian Poetry, ELH, Modernism/Modernity. She is an original member of the nineteenth-century Historical Poetics Reading Group that has met once per term since 2007, and has co-organized conferences with the eighteenth-century reading group – the upcoming conference is called “Historical Poetics Now” and will take place in Austin, TX in early November. She also oversees that website, with Princeton graduate student John Schultz, at