Ecology and Religion in 19th Century Studies Conference Schedule
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Indicates that the presenter is participating from a remote location
Indicates that a session will be live-streamed on this conference website
A green background indicates a linked session
University of Washington (PDT) | Armstrong Browning Library at Baylor University (CDT) | Georgetown University (EDT) | Lancaster University (BST) |
Current Time | Current Time | Current Time | Current Time |
8:30 a.m Registration Opens Seminar Room, Room 125 (bottom floor) |
Panel #6: Victorian Poetry, Ecology, and Religion Lecture Hall, Room 122 (bottom floor) Moderator: Lesa Scholl (Kathleen Lumley College)
Melinda Creech (Independent Scholar), “Hopkins and Ecotherapy”
Justin Sider (University of Oklahoma), “Landscapes of Pre-Raphaelite Literalism”
Featured Presentation: “Seasonal Disorder: Temporality, British Romanticism, and Climates of Anxiety” Lecture Hall, Room 122 (bottom floor) |
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Luncheon Cox Reception Hall (bottom floor) |
Panel #7: Imagining and Responding to Natural Disaster Lecture Hall, Room 122 (bottom floor) Moderator: Justin Sider (University of Oklahoma) Thomas Breedlove (Baylor University), “Speaking the World in Mary Shelley’s The Last Man”
Lesa Scholl (Kathleen Lumley College), “Limits of Relief: Alice Meynell and the Messina Earthquake of 1908” |
3:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Break |
Panel #8: Transatlantic Ecopoetics and Rhetorics Lecture Hall, Room 122 (bottom floor) Moderator: Molly Lewis Sean Dempsey (University of Arkansas), “Romantic Revisions, Grace, Substance, Soul”
Susan Oliver (University of Essex), “Curtis’s Botanical Magazine and Romantic Plant Poetry: Seeking Spirituality in Real-Life Flowers” Rodney Stephens (Howard Payne University), “From Ahab’s Typhoon to Huck’s Summer Storm” |
5:30 p.m. Closing Reception Cox Reception Hall (bottom floor) |